Chapter 175: Beneath Neon Veil

The city hummed a tune of electric desperation, its neon veins pulsing with secrets. Max prowled through the alley, his mind a whirlpool of half-formed plans and dangerous gambles. The streets reeked of rain and regret, a fitting backdrop for the impending storm.

Mia shadowed him, her presence a steady anchor against the chaos. "What's our play?" she murmured, eyes scanning the darkened alleys.

Max's jaw tightened. "We sever Kane's remaining connections. Break his support structure."

She nodded, understanding the weight of their task. They'd hit Kane hard, but remnants of his empire still festered in the city's underbelly. They had to root out every last vestige.

Their first target was The Silk Room, a nightclub masquerading as a high-end den of sin. Max pushed through the heavy door, the pulsing bass and strobe lights casting jagged shadows. The air was thick with smoke and desperation, a fitting veneer for the dark deals transpiring in back rooms.