Chapter 176: The Edge of Night

The city lay like a restless beast, its neon arteries pulsing with a toxic glow. Max stood on the rooftop, the cold wind whipping his coat around him. The skyline was a jagged silhouette against the murky sky, a testament to humanity's relentless ambition and inevitable decay. He took a deep drag on his cigarette, the ember flaring like a beacon in the darkness.

"You're gonna burn out one day," Mia's voice broke through his thoughts, low and steady, like a lifeline in the storm.

Max turned, his eyes meeting hers. She was a shadow in the night, all sharp edges and hidden depths. "Not today," he said, a grim smile touching his lips.

Below them, the city moved in its perpetual dance of vice and virtue. The takedown of Kane had sent ripples through the underworld, but the real monsters still lurked beneath the surface. Max knew their victory was but a fleeting reprieve.

"What's the next move?" Mia asked, her gaze scanning the streets below, ever vigilant.