Chapter 177: The Shadows Will

The city never slept, and neither did Max. The rain poured down in sheets, turning the streets into rivers of grime and regret. He stood at the window of the safe house, the flickering neon sign from the pawn shop across the street casting an eerie glow over his face. The rain was a curtain, hiding the sins of the night, but it couldn't wash them away.

Mia entered, her presence a silent whisper. She moved with a lethal grace, her every step calculated. She joined Max at the window, her eyes reflecting the neon light, hard and unyielding.

"What's on your mind?" she asked, her voice barely above a murmur, yet it cut through the silence like a knife.

Max didn't turn to her, his gaze fixed on the street below. "Everything. We've got the map, the intel, but it feels like we're just scratching the surface. There's something bigger here, something we're not seeing."