Chapter 184: The Thin Line

The city was a restless beast, never fully asleep, always thrumming with a dark energy. Max Slade moved through the back alleys, a shadow among shadows. The air was thick with the scent of rain and refuse, the distant hum of traffic like a constant heartbeat. His mind raced, every sense on high alert. The mole was a specter hanging over their operations, a ghost slipping through their defenses.

Mia's voice crackled through the earpiece. "I've got eyes on the old factory. It's crawling with guards. This could be it, Max."

Max grunted in response. "Stay sharp. We don't know what we're walking into."

The factory loomed ahead, a hulking relic of the city's industrial past. Rust and decay had claimed much of it, but the security around it was anything but abandoned. Floodlights cast harsh shadows, and the guards were tense, their hands never straying far from their weapons.