Chapter 185: Darker Paths

The city's rain-soaked streets glistened under flickering neon signs, casting ghostly reflections in the puddles. Max Slade stood at the edge of the old warehouse district, the cold seeping into his bones. He adjusted his trench coat, eyes scanning the dilapidated buildings that loomed like silent sentinels in the night. The air was thick with anticipation, every shadow a potential threat.

Mia's voice crackled through the earpiece. "Perimeter is secure. We're ready when you are, Max."

Max took a deep breath, his resolve hardening. "Move in. We need answers tonight."

The team dispersed into the darkness, a synchronized ballet of stealth and precision. Max moved with feline grace, slipping between the pools of light cast by overhead street lamps. The warehouse ahead was their target, a reputed stronghold for the network's latest operation. If they were lucky, it also housed the mole they desperately needed to uncover.