Celia looked over at him, stunned.
Had the wine already gone to his head and made him decide to just announce her pregnancy to everyone? Why would he be so brash otherwise?
She then looked out across the hall, at all her subjects now toasting her. There was a mix of expressions on their faces. She could see envy, particularly from many of the women, presumably over her impressive fertility. She saw surprise on others' faces, such as those who couldn't believe the queen was publicly with child again when her previous baby in the cradle was barely four months old.
Don't worry, my dear subjects, she thought moodily. You're not the only once's who are shocked by the timing of this pregnancy.
Celia managed to smile widely and accept the duke's congratulations, letting him clink the edge of her cup against hers. But she remained uneasy.
Dammit, Lucas. Where the hell are you? Why aren't you here where I can see you?
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