Behind Closed Doors

The man took a deep drag of his fragrant cigar, exhaling thick gray smoke from his mouth. He rolled down the car window even further, which helped him better see the tall hotel building that stood proudly in the distance.

Like a modern enchanted tower, A Hotel stood immersed in darkness, illuminated by the never-sleeping city lights and the dim glimmer of the moon. He had seen better hotels in his lifetime, yet this one, despite all the flaws hidden behind its glamorous architecture and design, interested him the most.

'If this is your tower, Princess, I wonder who the real dragon is.'

"Dante," a tall, slender young man climbed into the driver's seat and called out to him, "Everything has been arranged. Per your request, I booked the rooms and used your personal credentials for all the paperwork."

Then, he turned around in his seat and asked, "What do you plan to do next?"