Chapter 74: Someone Entered Through the Door 1

"I agree!" Ming Xue hurriedly accepted.

No matter what the result of the competition was, at least she wouldn't be sent away now. Plus, whether Mo Ran could beat her was still an unknown.

Mo Ran didn't agree immediately; she hesitated. Gu Yixuan had said that the loser must leave this place, and that idea greatly appealed to her.

Heaven knows how much she wanted to leave this place.

Yet, she didn't want to lose...

"What's the matter, you think there's something inappropriate?" Gu Yixuan asked her.

"Could we add a condition that the winner can make any demand, of course, within your capacity?" she tentatively asked.

Gu Yixuan looked at her without speaking; Mo Ran guiltily looked away, hoping he wouldn't see through her thoughts.

Little did she know, he had already seen through her thoughts. Her thoughts were easy to guess: she wanted to get away from him, to leave this place.

Trying to leave by this method? Isn't that a bit naive.