Chapter 75: Someone Entered Through the Door 2

Mo Ran said discontentedly, "What are you doing here? This is my room."

"Have you forgotten? Everything here is mine."

Yes, this was his house, and every room was his.

Mo Ran really wanted to say, then I can move out right now. But these words could only remain in her thoughts.

"What did you come to find me for?"

Gu Yixuan put away his keys, crossed his arms over his chest, and slowly walked towards her. His gaze landed on the bathtub, "Don't know how to take a bath?"

"... I didn't plan to take a bath." Seeing his malicious look, she understood his purpose for coming in.

She could tolerate him helping her brush her teeth and wash her face, but she couldn't tolerate him helping her with a bath. Who knows what his intentions are, maybe his interest lies elsewhere.

"Is that so? Then what are you standing here staring at the bathtub for?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm contemplating an issue, is that not allowed?"