Chapter 76: The Most Important Person in Life

Mountain Top

The very group thought about by Second Aunt, including Lu Aiguo, was in fact thoroughly enjoying their time on the mountain without a single thought of home.

After a long day of work, having bathed and eaten, they gathered on the sofas in the RV living room to tally the harvest of the past few days. It was truly a surprise just how bountiful their haul was when they took the time to count it.

Lu Aiguo, Xia Yuan, and Shitou had never imagined that life on the mountain could be so comfortable, carefree, and exhilarating.

The mountain's offerings seemed as if they were there for the taking, and they gathered them up in heaps without the slightest concern about transportation. The experience was so addictive it was hard to stop.

Chinese yam, chestnuts. Apples, kiwifruit, papaya, watermelons...

Pheasants, hares, wild boars, pheasant eggs, bird eggs, various mushrooms, wood ear fungi...