Chapter 77 There is a Lake

Xia Yuan couldn't help but extend her hand to gently pat her daughter's little bottom. Lu Yun felt uncomfortable, twisting her body and hugging her mother's neck tightly, burying her face even closer into her shoulder, her face instantly turning red.

Mom must be "taking it out" on her again because of those guns, poor thing. She's already so big; why does she still get spanked from time to time? Boo-hoo, she really wanted to cry. But such embarrassment came quickly and left just as fast.

These days, from the beginning when she liked to hug and cuddle her mom, to the end when her mom seemed to have fallen in love with this way of interacting, cuddling and hugging her occasionally and even patting her little bottom when she was "angry." She had gone from being embarrassed for a long time at first to only feeling embarrassed for a short while. She believed that in the near future, she could accept it completely with "thick skin."