Chapter 200: Wild Picnic (Part 5)

Fenghuang Ridge was known as the "green lung" of Capital City. Not too far from the urban area, it was praised as "scenery of the distant suburbs, roads of the nearby suburbs."

The tour bus sped along, and at some point, someone started singing Mao Ning's "The Waves Are Still." At first, one person sang, then others joined in, and soon, nearly everyone was singing loudly together.

Infected by the atmosphere brimming with youthful zest, Lu Yun couldn't help but hum along when she heard the line, "Many years later, only to find myself back by your side."

The moon sets, and the crows cry, akin to a thousand years of frost and dew

The sound of the waves is still there, yet the nights of yore are gone


Once someone started, the rest of the journey was filled with an unending cascade of songs, one after the other, lifting everyone's spirits— "The Sailor," "Going Home," "Childhood," "The Moon at Fifteen"...