Chapter 201: Wild Picnic (Part 6)

"I remember someone once said, 'Money is a person's courage,' and that does make quite a bit of sense," Wu Xiuyu said with a laugh.

"Actually, I'm more of the opinion that knowledge changes fate," Feng Sijia glanced at Lu Yun again, "Look at Lu Yun's family, so wealthy, and yet she ended up coming to B University to study. You guys don't know, my aunt always boasts in front of my mom about how it's useless for me to attend university in Capital City, claiming that the job I'll get after graduation and the salary I'll earn will probably not be as good as what my cousin gets. It makes my mom not even want to respond to her boasting.

Now she's run out of things to say. Even if the job I get assigned after graduation is just as bad as she said, and not as good as my cousin's, at least I was in the same class as Lu Yun, a 'big shot.' If she dares to belittle me again, isn't she implicitly insulting Lu Yun too? Hmph, I'd like to see if she still has the guts to gossip."