Innocent Little Thing

Darkness had already set in on the vampire castle of Eldoria. Elena was seated in the dining room working on her fork and knife. Her eyes settled on the empty chair intended for Gabriel. She had delayed taking her supper for an hour to wait for him but he didn't seem to appear anytime soon.

She placed the fork and knife on the table and leaned on the chair. "Take this away. I've lost my appetite!"

The maid standing in place of Jophiel gathered the utensils on the table and disappeared to the kitchens.

Elena walked towards the open window, the cold night wind blowing against her hair. From her vantage position, she had a bird's eye view of the capital. Lamps were lit on most part of the streets and allays, and a lively chatter of vampires filled the air.

To the West lay the mountain border that separated the human realm from the vampires. Many stories surrounded the phenomenon around this mountain. Humans believed it was erected by God to protect them from the vampires. The vampire story was however different.

They said their ancestors originated from this side of the mountain and there, the gods gave them dominion over all other species.

For some odd reason, Elena went stiff, suddenly suspecting someone's presence in the room. And true to her fears, she saw a shadow advancing towards her from the corner of her eyes. The air turned cold in her nostrils, her breath completely curbed by her fear.

"One day you might die of a heart attack," came Gabriel's annoying voice.

She let out a sigh of relief and turned to face him, but he was so close her hands rested on his chest in retort. Her eyes met his golden ones, the surprise in them turning to that look Gabriel never knew what it meant.

She looked so innocent. And this sweet innocent little thing was his wife! He had to remind himself constantly!

Gabriel's averted his eyes to the night's view of the capital and only then did Elena break from his spell. She backed off a few steps when Gabriel moved. He had his hands rested on his back.

He leaned on the open window, supporting his frame with his hands. The cold night air blew on him, his free hair dancing in the night. The dark in it, Elena noticed, complimented with that of darkness.

She stole a quick glance at his side profile. He was wearing a fresh set of dark pants and a leather coat. His chest was slightly open for the world to see.

Elena had nearly forgot she had stared too much when Gabriel turned to look at her without warning. He lifted his lips into a smirk, and she was already guessing the words that would leave his lips.

"I know I'm handsome."

She nearly rolled her eyes when something caught her attention. Her eyes moved to his lips, curiosity written all over her face. And as if attesting to her fears, he smiled displaying his pearl white teeth.

"Gabriel?" She called his name, swallowing hard this time. Little did she know the way she had pronounced his name made wonders to Gab.

He moved, as silent as the wind, and caged her between himself and the wall. Her back rested on the wall, slightly curved. Did she know the effect she was having on him now.

"Say my name." His lips moved in a seductive manner but Elena was too occupied with his teeth to notice it.

"I saw it with my own eyes!" She said, her hand reaching out to touch Gabriel's jaw. So far, he was liking where this was heading to. Little did he know he was in for a great disappointment.

"You did?" He asked with a smirk.

"I saw them. The executioner dropped your two fangs on the public square. How... How then?"

Gabriel's enthusiasm disappeared, disappointment laced on his face. He lifted his brows, his eyes meeting with her curious ones. Damn! Did she know how beautiful she was at this moment?

He held her hand. She was warm, unlike him! He'd hold it for eternity if that was what it took to have her this close. Still, she had disappointed him. He'd thought she was making a move!

"I don't know how it happened," he replied, slightly shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe it's a miracle." He forced a laugh.

"I have read a great deal about vampires in Mysthaven and growing teeth after extraction was not one of them."

"Maybe you need to rewrite your books," Gabriel said, now walking away from her. "I trust you had your supper." How could he tell her it was her blood?

"I did!" She answered, clutching her dress. "Alone!"

"I wouldn't have eaten even if I was there." He dropped himself on the bed and stretched.

Elena just stood there watching his every move. Was he just going to avoid her question? Like that?

Gabriel paused in his actions when he noticed Elena still standing at the same place.

"Aren't you sleepy?"

She didn't move an inch.

"Don't be afraid. I don't bite. I mean I do bite but not everyone."

Elena met with his gaze, and for a moment, she felt like slapping him across his face to erase that smirk once and for all. And just when she was about to drown in his golden orbs, she quickly averted her gaze and walked over to the bed.

'A new strategy I see.' Gabriel thought. He heard her working on the straps of her shoes before she lay close to the edge of the bed facing the other side. He lifted his head to look at her before he shifted to look at her back.

Her heart was racing, he noticed. For close to half an hour, it kept racing, and strangely, she never moved a muscle. She just lay there, eyes staring at the dark with a stranger in the same bed.

All kind of thoughts were now running in her mind; unspeakable thoughts. Her maids always briefed her what would happen in her wedding night, but she had failed her duty as a wife!

'As the queen mother, it is my duty to see to it that you've given Gabriel heirs!' The words echoed in her mind, louder than when Queen Jessica said them in the garden.

"Are you afraid of me?" She heard Gabriel ask, and she was certain her heart came to a halt momentarily.