It's been months now and JK's wedding had been postponed due to his injury, but he's getting married in a few days, which one part of him hates and another part of him loves, he's been trying to make taehyung remember, but all to no avail, taehyung will either ignore him or give him a snarky remark, making his heart ache and his blood boil.

         JK was alone in his room thinking of a way to make taehyung remember, JK had tried countless ways, but failed miserably, he decided on writing a letter and sending it to taehyung ,maybe that'll would help taehyung remember,by the time JK finished the letter,it was night time, JK had started writing his letter late in the afternoon and ended it right before seolhwa came to call him for dinner.

        "Your highness, it's time for dinner, your mother,father and the prince are waiting for you"seolhwa said bowing her head "seolhwa I told you to call me big brother when we're alone" JK said, during the last few months JK had grown close to seolhwa and he also found out that the owner of the body was also very close to the maid,"sorry big brother, this little sister has a lot on her mind" seolhwa said.

       "What is it seolhwa, tell this big brother what is troubling you"JK said getting up from his bed and stretching his sore limbs,"big brother, promise you won't get angry at this little sister" seolhwa asked bowing deeper "stand up, why would I get angry at this little sister?" JK asked sitting back on his bed in a more comfortable position, "this little sister doesn't want you to leave the min household, nobody cares about me but you big brother, this little sister's life will be miserable without you big brother", seolhwa said falling into a kowtow,"seolhwa who says this big brother is going to leave his little sister in this house, I'll take this little sister with me, now stop crying okay"JK said going to help seolhwa off the floor.

        "Thank you big brother,thank you, I'll sneak you some sweets later"seolhwa said making JK's eyes shine with a million stars, this part of JK is the only side no one else knows about,no except the 15 year old seolhwa. "Eomeoni[1],aboji, taeseja, sorry for keeping you waiting" JK said giving them a slight bow, before taking a seat beside taehyung,one part of JK loved it, while another part of him wanted to rip taehyung face.

        Dinner went good and bad, good because JK was so happy that he got to sit next to his V, and bad because jungkook wanted to choke taehyung to death for talking to his parents disrespectfully.

                      TIME SKIP

        It's the day before JK's wedding and he had just given taehyung the letter, he felt uneasy, so he decided to train a little,he was on the practice field when he heard a piercing heart wrenching scream,he recognized that voice,it was seolhwa, she was screaming as an anonymous masked man gripped by the hair, before slicing her throat, JK watched seolhwa's lifeless body drop to the floor with a little thud.

       JK saw red,all he did was kill and kill and kill, until his soldiers came to help him,it turns out the intruders were baekje army, baekje and silla had been at war for years,all because of territorial shit, and today JK was going to end it because they just killed his only little sister right in front of him.

          "PROTECT DAEGAMGUNJA"JK heard someone shout out after killing the last baekje soldier on the practice field,"PROTECT YOURSELF OR I SWEAR IF ANYONE OF YOU DIES STUPIDLY, I'LL FEED YOU TO THE DOGS!!" JK shouted back, JK rushed to his horse, riding it to the palace and killing any baekje soldier that got in his way.

        "Ahh, have some respect for your future husband will you"taehyung yelled as JK grabbed his slim wrist harshly "not now prince"JK growled shoving taehyung behind him carelessly "the kingdom is under attack soldier has come to protect taeseja" JK said gripping onto his sword tightly as he stabbed a baekje soldier in the stomach,"ahhh!!"taehyung screamed.

       "Stop screaming your highness, you'll lead them to us"JK said putting a hand on JK's chin to make him face him "yo--,you k-killed him"taehyung stuttered bursting into tears as he stared at the soldier's lifeless body, "shh it's okay"JK said resting taehyung's head on his chest, jungkook didn't like it, but JK couldn't handle seeing his V cry "daegamgunja, taeseja" one of JK's soldier said bowing at them,"we kept the women and children in a safe place, the royal family including your family is safe but degam insists that he fights alongside you" jimin the soldier reported in a low but firm tone,no matter what happens JK would never get used to seeing his chubby little baby jimin looking like a well built killing machine, and his little cat like yoongi being his father in his second life.

       Before JK could reply there was an arrow,it hit the baekje soldier that was sneaking up on the trio,"I've told you to always keep your guard up little bunny",hoseok the archer said,"jimin take taeseja to the rest and keep them safe, and hoseok you stay with me, and stop calling me a bunny"JK said handing taehyung to jimin, "be safe" JK said kissing taehyung's forehead.

        The war went on for hours and hours, but with the help of the Tang dynasty, silla defeated baekje, the soldiers were gathering their Dead one's for a proper burial, when JK was stabbed in the chest by a baekje soldier,"if I have to die today, I'll take you with me min jungkook"the soldier said twisting the knife, JK fell on his knees spitting out blood, which caught the attention of a not so wounded hoseok "jungkook"hoseok said running to JK "ahh hoseok hyung, you're double", JK said chuckling a little "shut up idiot, you're losing too much blood"hoseok said putting pressure around the wound.

       "Ahh hyung it's no use, this soldier was meant to die on the battle field anyway"JK said coughing out blood,"hyung please help me tell taeseja that he'll always be my V,no matter what happens, he'll always be my V no matter what form he comes as, and tell *coughs blood* tell aboji to smile a little"that was the last thing JK said before giving up the ghost.

       JK was buried inside the palace gates in the garden where the beautiful Flowers grow,it was close to taehyung's room, it's been a week since JK died and taehyung couldn't stop thinking about the way JK kissed his forehead,he looked at his dresser and saw the letter JK had given to him on the day of the war,he took and sat on his bed reading the letter.

     Dear V

It's me JK, I know you don't remember me as JK but,in our past life,we were best friends,we were like brothers,we meant everything to each other, but unfortunately you met with a tragic accident and lost your life, and after a few weeks, I committed suicide because I couldn't handle it anymore, everyone at school started to bully me again,they called me a faggot, they beat me up everyday, so appa took me to the hospital and we found out that I had schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, I didn't want to trouble appa by being a burden, so I took my own life and I woke up as the son of the great general min, it's funny yk, I never thought I'd see you again, I miss you so much my V, I love you.

Your lovely muscle bunny.

        Taehyung felt warm salty tears falling down from his face as he read the letter, he was starting to have a bad headache,"ahh!!"taehyung screamed before losing consciousness.


        "Taeseja"a maid bowed as she saw taehyung waking up "JK"taehyung said running outside to where JK was buried,"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry bunny, I'm sorry I didn't remember you, I'm sorry sorry for being rude to you all those times, please forgive me bunny please"taehyung said crying as he rested his head on JK's grave "taeseja get out of the rain, you'll fall Ill and this servant will lose her head, your highness please", the maid said pulling taehyung away from JK's grave.

     It's been a week since taehyung had regained his memory about his past life, he had requested for JK's family to move into the palace and had taken over the throne, since his father was getting too old.

        Taehyung lived his life as a single and well respected king, he'd rule the kingdom with grace just the way JK would have wanted. Tho the Tang dynasty still attacked them sometimes, but besides the wars and all that, the kingdom flourished, taehyung died at the age of 88, and was buried beside his beloved bunny boy.


A/N:This is the last but not the least chapter, WOW didn't think I could write such a short novel 🤧, I'm so proud of me, anygays, don't come after me,at least I made taehyung die at age 88, y'all should be happy I didn't let him get murdered by the Tang dynasty.
