JK woke up with a throbbing headache and a sharp pain in the stomach "ohh ohh daegamgunja, please stay, this poor servant will be beheaded if anything happens to daegamgunja[1]" JK heard a girl say,the girl should be about his age, but why was the girl referring to him as 'daegamgunja' JK was dead,he died,he cut his wrist,he killed himself in his bathroom,he was sure he died.

         "Daegam[2] this humble servant greats you" the girl said, jungkook finally opened his eyes "buwi[3] jungkook this old general has warned you to always look out for yourself, before looking out for others" a man said voice as cold as ice. JK opened his eyes groaning as his eyelids felt too heavy "where am I"JK asked trying to sit up "daegamgunja"the young girl shouted trying to help JK sit on the bed "what's going on and who the fuck is jungkook"JK asked getting pissed "buwi jungkook stay still"the old man said in a panicked voice.

         "Buwi jungkook, your wedding with taeseja[4] is coming soon, you should rest" the old man said,at the mention of wedding JK's blood started to boil, JK felt an unexplainable amount of hate towards the said taeseja.


       "Aboji[5] I said I didn't want to marry that spoiled brat"JK was confused on why he said that,"buwi jungkook, I'm not going to say this again" the old man said before leaving,"daegamgunja please stay still or else your wounds will open again" the young girl said "you, what is your name" JK asked "ahh daegamgunja, you forget things easily" the girl said with a little blush on her face "tell me now" JK said getting impatient "ahh daegamgunja quell your anger please, this lowly servant is sorry" the little girl said falling on her knees to beg for forgiveness.

        "Daegamgunja.. this servants name is 'seolhwa'[6] you gave me that name, you said it suited me" the girl said with a little blush on her face, JK felt a sense of familiarity towards the little girl,who is now known as 'seolhwa'. To say JK was confused was an understatement,he remembered he cut his wrist in his bathroom, but how is he here with a maid kneeling before him,he did have maids in his past life but-....past life.

        Is that what this was,is this his new life,was he given a second chance, what year was it?, what century was it?,did dinosaurs still exist??, and most of all,did iron man defeat the iron monger??, okay maybe the dinosaur and iron man wasn't necessary, but still, who was he??.


        "Seolhwa,who am I??"JK asked confused as to why seolhwa was wearing a hanbok,"huh?, did this big brother get a concussion when he fell??"asked seolhwa, JK knew it,he was dead, he had transmigrated into another world, like those stupid books his V used to read, the only problem is, what type of book was it,is he the concubine of a cruel heartless king,or was he a mere slave, but if he was a slave, he wouldn't have a maid bowing to him.

         "Seolhwa" JK growled impatiently "sorry big brother, this little sister is so stupid,my lord you are daegamgunja jungkook, the son of great general min, the soon to be king of baekje"seolhwa said,"who is the taeseja?"JK asked feeling disgusting after he said that name,"he's your matbeori[7]" seolhwa said,"matbeori?"JK asked confused "soon to be husband" seolhwa replied coldly,now JK gets it, the hosts body was being forced to marry this taeseja.

                       TIME SKIP

       It's been a month since JK had transmigrated into this world and now he's starting to understand how things work around here, today is the day he's going to meet the said 'taeseja', more like the taeseja was coming to meet him, because he hadn't fully recovered from the cut in his stomach. The munnae[8] announced the arrival of the taeseja, everyone got on their feet to pay respect to the taeseja, everyone except JK, more like jungkook, JK had found out that the owner of this body was called jungkook.

         "Long live the taeseja" everyone present in the room greeted, everyone except JK, "you may leave" said the so called taeseja, JK had heard that voice before, that voice was so damn familiar that he can't forget it, he may forget any other person voice, but this voice will forever live in his head, JK kept his head turned to the other side, he didn't want to see who the voice belonged to, he didn't want to get disappointed, "*scoffs*,you won't even look at your soon to be husband, how rude"the taeseja said, that was the last straw for JK,it was so frustrating because the host body hated that voice, and he loved that voice, he missed that voice.

        He turned around to look at the owner of the voice,it was none other than his V, the person he's been longing to see for weeks,his V,his best friend,if this is the person he's going to marry,if this is the said 'taeseja',if this is the spoiled brat, then JK was more than happy to marry him "oh"JK made a sound like the air has been knocked out of his lungs,"my V?"JK asked trying to get out of his bed,"is that a nickname for this taeseja?", the taeseja asked looking everywhere but JK's face.

        "Ughh how can you live in a place like this, it's disgusting", taeseja said looking disgusted "I bet you can't wait to marry me, so you can get out of this filthy place" taeseja said disgusted, "what do you mean, I just ordered a maid to clean it" JK growled, the jungkook in him was getting irritated, KIM TAEHYUNG, I don't care if you're the taeseja or not,but can't come into my house and disrespect it", jungkook growled, angrily "hmm whatever you say husband" taehyung said making jungkook grit his teeth in anger,"lucky bastard".

A/N: this is the most boring and stupidest chapter I've ever written in this book 🤧🤧

[1]:(daegamgunja: it's the way they address the general's son in the silla dynasty, daegamgunja means 'son of the general' or 'young lord of the commander'.

[2]:(daegam): it's the way they address the general in the silla dynasty, daegam means 'commander or general'.

[3]:(buwi):is the way the general addresses his son in the silla dynasty

[4]:(taeseja):is the way the people address the crown Prince in the silla dynasty, taeseja means 'great Prince of the generation' or 'crown Prince'

[5]:(aboji): everyone knows what aboji means,it simply means father

[6]:(seolhwa): means snowflower

[7]:(matbeori): means fiance in the silla dynasty

[8]:(munnae):it simply means a door eunuch, they're the ones who announce the arrival of visitors
