
April 15, 1982 Hogwarts, UK

Albus Dumbledore sighed and rubbed his temples. He was meeting with the Order of the Phoenix in a half an hour but despite his connections he had no real news for them. Harry Potter was still listed in the Book of Witch and Wizard Children born in Great Britain, therefore he was still alive but he was Merlin alone knew where and he definitely was under someone else's control. Albus feared what the boy was being taught in addition to wondering how he would lead Great Britain's light when he didn't control all the players on the board.

The six months since Voldemort's demise had been mostly quiet after the first week. The biggest thing that had happened after the deaths of the Potters was that Frank and Alice Longbottom had been attacked by the Le Stranges and Barty Crouch Jr. . Frank and Alice were now in 's long term care ward and weren't expected to make a recovery.

Albus had tried to get control of the other child of prophecy after the attack on the Longbottoms but Augusta Longbottom had a few too many connections. The Goblins had proved to be obstructive when it came to trying to stop or even track Sirius through his vaults. The Wizengamot had been stymied in the effort to freeze Black's accounts the goblins wouldn't freeze the accounts without a trial and there couldn't be a valid trial from the goblins point of view without a defendant, the circular logic was incredibly annoying.

A little later the Order filed into the conference room off the Great Hall. Arthur Weasley, Hestia Jones, Remus Lupin, Deadulus Diggle, Peter Pettigrew, Alastor Moody, Emmaline Vance and Minerva McGonagall were present. There were a couple of other order members but they weren't able to make it. "Alright let's get started, I'll start with the latest report from our spy, the Deatheaters have pretty much disbanded to avoid being captured.

The trials are going slowly. The Wizengamot tried Sirius Black in absentia to try and freeze his access to his money; however the goblins refuse to acknowledge the trial as legal and won't freeze the accounts. With the death of Orion Black, his funds have increased fifty fold. Furthermore Minister Bagnold is calling off the pursuit of Sirius Black, not because she is giving up on rescuing Harry Potter but with Black's new resources it has become in her words too expensive. Despite the differences with his family, Black was never formally disowned or disinherited."

"We know why now."Remus growled.

Many members nodded in agreement. Albus sighed "My international contacts have not been helpful. I have been able to get into Department of Mysteries for my annual access to the Book. I have the list for next years students but while there I also checked on little Harry's name. I have news, do you want the good first or the bad?"

"The good!" most of the Order chorused.

"Harry Potter is still alive. Black didn't immediately kill him."

Alastor Moody spoke up, "I assume the bad is that the boy is likely still in Black's hands and is likely being raised as the next Dark Lord."

Albus lowered his head in assent.

"We can't give up searching, we can't leave Harry in that traitor's hands." Remus said. "Moody, you have friends in law enforcement around the world, is there any way you can find them?"

"Black was one of the sharpest trainees I've ever had. He didn't make the rookie mistake of going to a country we have extradition treaties with, which means he's in a country where I don't have any contacts. We tracked him to Morocco, but lost him after that. He's laid false leads, too many to sort out without a lot of money and manpower. Sorry. And damn sorry I did such a good job training the bastard."

"I think all of us here agree." Arthur Weaseley stated.

April 15, 1982 Jakarta, Indoniesia

Sirius carried Harry into St. Michaels Hospital of Magic. The last five and a half months had been grueling for Harry and himself. Harry had been ill ever since they had left England, but this was the first time they had been near a magical hospital in all that time. He hadn't been sick, sick until a couple weeks ago but he hadn't been normal for him either. Sirius just hoped that whatever was wrong with Harry wasn't life threatening. He already struggled with the guilt from the consequences of having suggested a last minute switch of secret keepers. If something was seriously wrong with Harry, he wouldn't know what to do.

Thinking about something happening to Harry made him think back to his desperate flight from England and the meeting that preceded it.

"Halt, who goes there?"

"Sirius Black and Harry Potter"

"Very late for coming to the bank, is it not?"

"I need to speak with Ironclaw; it's in regards to James and Lilly Potter."

"This way Mr. Black."

Five minutes later the very old goblin who managed the Potter accounts entered the room Sirius had been told to wait in. He was accompanied be a dozen goblin guards carrying various weapons. "Sirius Black word has come to me that James and Lily Potter are dead at Voldemort's hand. Some say you had a hand in it, betrayed their location. Betrayal in the Goblin world is punishable by a most painful and horrible death, the slow and painful flaying and dismemberment of the body. Charlus Potter was counted goblin friend and I was fond of his son, what proof can you give me that these rumors are false."

Sirius gulped. He hadn't expected the news to travel this fast. " With your permission I'll draw my wand and make an oath if that will suit. You can even propose the wording if you like."

"Draw your wand, repeat if you can, I did not betray the Potters to the wizard known as Voldemort and their blood does not stain my soul."

Sirius gulped again even as he drew his wand. "I, Sirius Orion Black, swear on my life and my magic I did not betray James and Lily Potter to the wizard known as Voldemort. Their blood stains my soul no further than it was my suggestion that rather than serve as secret keeper myself, I serve as a decoy and suggesting they choose Peter Pettigrew as secret keeper in my place." Sirius then cast a silent lumos with his wand to prove he still had his magic. He then tucked his wand back in it's holster.

" I see." Ironclaw dismissed the goblin guards and looked at Sirius thoughtfully. "I know the contents of James and Lily's wills. You were listed as primary guardian. However there is someone of high position in the Wizengamot who has already moved to seal the wills and named himself guardian of the infant Harry James Potter."

"James told me a day ago not to trust Albus Dumbledore with Harry. He said to take him and disappear. To do that I need travel papers and money. A portkey would be nice too, someplace without an extradition treaty."

"Such things cost money."