A Twist of Fate

June 23, 1982 Jakarta, Indonesia

Sirius couldn't help but think life was stranger than fiction. Coming to Indonesia in retrospect had been a very good thing. Not only had he found a fabulous healer for Harry but fate had taken pity on him and granted him the chance to change his fortunes. Chance had sent him to Istana Perdamaian but by choosing at that moment to break the pattern of flight he'd established, new opportunities had arisen.

That day back in April Sirius had gotten one of the small suites the hotel offered and arranged to have the services of two elves, one part-time for general work and errands the other full time to act as a nanny to Harry. Sirius was able to take some time to grieve James and Lily and to rest and restore most of his own equilibrium.

Healer Sri Lie, to figure out Harry's illness, had forced him to review everything about that night through a pensieve. Between getting a chance to rest and working with the healer, he felt like he was finally moving past James and Lily's deaths.

In mid May, Sirius had been attempting to get extensions on his and Harry's travel visas due to medical reasons through the Indonesian ministry when fate had stepped in to help for a change. Istana Perdamaian was a favored meeting place for business men and government officials. Sirius had been coming back from a day spent mostly standing in line; when he noticed a large group of wizards that had surrounded a smaller group that had in his eyes two or three VIP and about seven body guards.

The odds were definitely in the larger group's favor. Not liking unfair fights, he decided that if the larger group attacked he'd help the smaller. Sure enough that was what happened, the larger group attacked. The attacking wizards weren't particularly well trained, and Sirius' skills had been honed by war. His not being within the circle made it impossible for the wizards of the large group to control the situation.

His help added to the bodyguards and the reinforcements that arrived four minutes later meant that the VIPs were all okay, albeit slightly singed. It was several grueling interviews and a deposition later about what happened that Sirius found out who it was that he had helped.

" Mr. Black?"

"Yeah, look I really need to get back to my godson. I was supposed to be back hours ago."

"Sorry, maybe I could accompany you back. I could pick up some dinner for you both on the way, I could talk while you both eat."

Sirius looked at him this might be an attempt to get him to lead the way to Harry. "Am I free to go?"

"Yes, I'm Indra Budiono. I am the head of Magical Security of Indonesia. I owe you a debt Mr. Black. Your actions today saved the President of Magic and the muggle president, from the actions of the darah murni, a group similar to your Death-eaters in England. I have to ask, why did you get involved?"

"Because I dislike unfair fights and the vibe I got off those, darah murni? Reminded me of my family. I'm glad it helped. Now I really need to go." As soon as they left the building, Sirius apparated to the Hotel.

The next morning, a hotel elf brought breakfast in for them and he carried a large official looking envelope. Sirius was surprised when he opened it.

Magical Republic of Indonesia

Mr. Sirius Black,

We owe you a debt of gratitude for your actions yesterday. It has come to our attention that you have sought an extension of your travel visa and that of your ward for the purpose of receiving medical treatment for him. I apologize that the inquiry took so much of your time yesterday and we hope it caused no undue stress on your ward. Consider your visas extended for as long as you need, if there is something else we can do to assist you, let us know.

Surya Kusnadi

President of Magic

Indra Budiono

Secretary of Security

On June16th, Sirius met with Harry's healer without Harry. Healer Sri Lie said, "Mr. Black I have researched the information you have given me and the numerous tests I have performed and think I have a partial answer for you and a suggested course of treatment."

"I'm listening."

"I believe he is being affected by at least two probably three different powerful spells. You have said his mother was a gifted witch that was a researcher with the British Unspeakables, yes?"


"I wish to show you something in your memories of that night." She put her pensieve on the desk and she showed him the memory he'd supplied her with. They watched until he was about to clean Harry up. She stopped the flow of memory. "This blood on his chest , you told me you believe it came from his mother?"

"Yes, Lily's hand had blood on it."

"She was a very brave woman then. She did a Ritual that is... discouraged. It is a blood ritual that in ancient times was prone to misuse by those in high levels of importance, wealth and power. It is a strong protection however. It takes little to do, this simple diagram made with the blood of a willing sacrifice, related by blood to the one protected and while the blood is still wet the death of the sacrifice. We're done here." They left the pensieve. "I take it you never studied runes in school Mr. Black."

Sirius nodded.

The Healer nodded. "You have said the dark wizard who attacked liked to use the Avada Kedavra."

Sirius nodded again.

"His scar that looks a bit like a lighting bolt is actually a rune Sowilo. Sowilo, the sun, is for success, goals achieved, honor,"she paused, "life force, and health. Lying in opposition it means destruction. I believe his scar is where he was struck with the killing curse. His scar is the reflection, his scar is sowilo."

Sirius blanched.

"The third spell I haven't been able to pin down it is probably the darkest magic I have ever seen. He is sick because the third spell and the first battle. His magical core is powering the protection of his mother it utilizes a small percentage of his strength to return twenty to fifty times the same strength in protection. The third spell powers itself from the ambient magic around it and whatever dark force put it there. I think it is slowly overpowering the protection the only question is how long the boy's core will be able to sustain the fight."

"So what do we do? Because you said something about a suggested course of action. What I'm hearing if I understand you correctly sounds pretty hopeless to me., so if there's something we can do I'm all ears."

"I agree in a magical environment there is little I or any other healer can do, Harry would continue as he has and probably in ten years or so barring a miracle or a greater understanding of the third spell he will probably die. But what do you think would happen if you move him away from magic away from the environment that feeds the third spell."

"It would weaken, maybe that was why Albus, but that's stupid he didn't even see Harry before he wanted Harry to go to Petunia. So you're saying that Harry might recover if we live as muggles."

Healer Sri Lie nodded.

"Okay...I only see one problem. What I know about muggles would take up maybe a foot of parchment, and I wouldn't have a clue. And everything I've got, everything Harry has is magical. How do we do this?"

"You are willing to do this?" the healer's voice was tinged with astonishment.

"Of course, Harry's my highest priority."

"If you're willing, I have a sister on Bali that is a squib. I could probably get her to help you. Her husband died two months ago and she's having trouble making ends meet. I'll bring her here next week. Of course I'm assuming you'll be staying in Indonesia."

"I might be able to arrange that."