The Legacy of Hogwarts

"You trust her."

"Completely. She is trustworthy. When I was younger I didn't really know that trust could be done in degrees. I trusted the Marauders completely,incorrectly it turns out. I distrusted everyone else, hold over from my parents and their methods. I've learned now that there are some people to trust completely, some not to trust at all but that most you can trust in varying degrees according to their interests."

"Why trust me?"

"You Amelia, are an exemplary Puff and you were Head girl in your year. You have always had a reputation of forthright honesty and despite having a seat on the Wizengamot and a job at the ministry you tend to dislike politics and politicians. I know from the goblins you refused to participate in that travesty of a trial I was given. And you didn't immediately kill me or even try to. How ever you should notice I'm not trusting you with everything. I don't trust you with Harry's location for example.

"Why talk to you? I need someone to know the truth to start searching out the proof. I'm tired of hiding and not being able to move about freely. I want to have leverage over Dumbledore before Harry leaves for Hogwarts, I have to protect him. I want to be able to be in Great Britain to see Harry during breaks and summer vacation. I want to be able to influence what happens at Hogwarts."

"If Great Britain is so dangerous for you and Harry, why Hogwarts? There are other schools."

"Hogwarts is his heritage. The school was founded by the founders, but what isn't commonly known is the Potter's own the land it was built on and provided the materials to build with. To this day the fund that maintains the castle, it's grounds, and the majority of the costs of the school is held by the Potter family. Technically Harry owns the school. Harry is also technically Godric's heir on his father's side because Godric's male lines died out and his granddaughter by his daughter married a Potter.

"Amelia think about who has been voting the Potter seat on the Wizengamot; who votes the Potter seat on the Hogwart's board? Grimjaw Trollslayer, the goblin who oversees the Black and Potter accounts has had to fight off bids to control the Potter wealth every single year since he took over from Ironclaw. There have been multiple bids from many people but I'll tell you who the top contender has been, Dumbledore."

"I know that Dumbledore is holding onto James' Invisibility cloak, when Harry gets to Hogwarts he'd better give it back. Dumbledore is the one that sent James and Lily into hiding because he got some prophecy about Moldyshorts and either Harry or Alice and Frank's boy, Neville. I don't know what it said but I would bet all the Black Fortune that Albus wants to control Harry because of it, and I'd bet he's even tried to get control of Neville too."

"Sirius you're talking about Albus Dumbledore defeater of Grindelwald. He has a phoenix familiar for crying out loud. He's been the leader of light for over forty years!"

"I know, and I'm not saying his intentions aren't in general good. But muggles have a saying power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Last I knew there were no checks or balances on Albus. And his actions towards Harry and I have been pretty damn questionable. I know I'm asking a lot, but I haven't got anyone else to ask."

"I'll think about it. I make no promises but I'll think about it."

"That's all I can ask. I'll be here through the end of the Congress after that if you need to contact me you can do it through the Indonesian Government."

"What do you do for them?"

"I'm one of four assistant secretaries of security. I've worked for them since 1982."

"Oh. Did you trick them?"

"No, I saved the magical and muggle presidents. Then later I was honest with my boss. He gave me a chance and it's worked out well for both of us."


"Amelia, I don't have to tell you keep this under wraps do I? If you don't help me that's fine, but please don't spread it around. I don't exactly wish for Dumbledore to have a greater reason to hunt me."


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