Into the Night

At the Villa de Sable at the same time.

Liana entered the house she wondered how Harry and Hadi's game had gone. Siska's baby boy was so small. The doctor said he would keep him a few days to be sure he wouldn't have trouble, but he didn't anticipate any problems. No car outside, Ivan that irresponsible boy must have taken Johan home instead of waiting with Harry and Hadi like she asked. She went to Harry's room to peek in on the boys. The bunk bed was empty!

Liana reached into her pocket and pulled out the cell phone Bapak Black had given her. She dialed Harry's phone there was no answer she wondered if it was charged. Harry tended to forget to do that every night.

She dialed Johan's parents. They were worried when she told them the boys were not yet home. She called her son in case instead of coming back to the villa, they went to Hadi's house. They weren't there. She then called the coach. He confirmed that Ivan had arrived to pick up the boys after the game although he had been late. He admitted that he left before Ivan had done more than pull into the parking lot. He told her they may have stopped for dinner. He had only gotten home twenty minutes ago, if they stopped and took their time on the road it could be another hour before they got home. Liana sat down where she could watch the clock.

Four hours and ten minutes later Harry steered the now dead car to the side of the road. He frowned, this adventure was turning out a lot less fun than Sirius' stories. Johan and Hadi were clamouring "What's wrong why have we stopped?"

"We're out of gas."

"But we're not home yet."

"I know but if we follow this road we will get to our villiage."

"How will we get there if we're out of gas?"

"Walk I guess."

"But it's dark! I'm tired and I'm hungry!" Hadi protested.

"What about snakes! And how far do you think?" Johan said.

"I estimate we're five or six miles from my house. Yes It's dark but the moon is almost full and I'd rather walk than try to sleep in this car. It still smells of Ivan's throw up. As far as snakes, I'll hear them if they get close."

"What about Ivan?"

"He can stay here."

Liana was quietly going out of her mind. After an hour she had called Chief Salim. He worked with Sirius so she figured he would help since Sirius was in Japan. He had called other police in other areas but there had been no accidents on the main roads. He said a check of the side roads would have to wait till daybreak. She had called Sirius and told him Harry, Hadi, Johan and Ivan, Johan's older brother were missing.

She told him why she wasn't with Harry and why Ivan was. He said he didn't blame her and that he would see if he could get an early portkey but unfortunately that was unlikely as he was on duty for the closing breakfast on the twenty-ninth. It was now 3:35 a.m. What would she do if something happened to the boys? She paced the living room for what seemed the thousandth time.

Suddenly the door opened, three exhausted boys stood in the entry way.

Harry had never been happier to see the gates for the villa. He wanted nothing more than to strip and climb into bed. His friends seemed to be in even worse shape. Together they stumbled up the stairs to the front door. They stumbled through the doors and into the brightly lit living room. Liana all but tackled them.

"Where have you been? Are you all right? What happened?"

Hadi looked at his grandmother and burst into tears. Far from reassuring her, his reaction made her even more frantic.

Harry although exhausted, said, "We're alright just tired, can we go to bed now? Please?"

Liana calmed with Harry's quiet but confident voice. "Of course. She helped the boys stumble to the bedroom and undressed Hadi and Johan putting them in extras of Harry's pajama's. Harry pulled his own pajama's on and he pulled the spare futon mattress from the closet. Harry gave her a look indicating she should put Johan and Hadi in the bunk bed. He flopped onto the futon and when she next glanced at him he was asleep. She put a blanket over him then headed to the phone.


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