A New Beginning

The soft voices and the antiseptic smell reminded Sirius of the time he spent waiting to hear the results of the tests on Harry as a toddler. He tried to open his eyes but somehow they were just to heavy. Suddenly he heard Harry's voice.

"Hey Sirius, you need to wake up soon okay. Sri says they're thinking of moving you to a long term care facility if they do that they'll probably look at finding me another guardian. We can't let that happen, who else would talk the stock markets with me, by the way the Microsoft stock split this morning. The goblins granted your patent on magical cell phones, they got a couple killer contracts with companies to produce them too.

Grayak is much more uptight about me making the decisions concerning our investments without you there, for example the winery asked for some funds to purchase a couple of vineyards that a competitor was being forced to sell. I asked a couple questions turned out the seller gambled a little much in Monte Carlo and needed capital to pay his debts so I okayed it. It should up the output by 500 to 1000 bottles most years or so the manager said. Grayak was green authorizing payment.

"Since sitting here is kinda boring, I went to the headmaster at school and got permission to start my schoolwork two months early. It's so boring here I'm almost done with first semester. I'm tentatively planning that when you wake up we'll have a vacation in Palau. I know they're a U.N trust country but they have next to zero percent wizarding population and technically they have no extradition with England.

"The healer's are so negative, except for Sri, they say you won't wake up. You missed my birthday and I've wound up being grounded the full month though I had my lines done by the end of the second week. Liana debated on the lines though. I almost had to write another four thousand lines, until I pointed out that I had more lines to write than Hadi and Johan. I told her you changed it but she only partly believed me. You have to wake up, you owe me for making me be grounded a month. After you said you'd lift it and did not following through, and that completely leaves out the issue of you screwing up my birthday by making me sit in a hospital waiting to hear if you were gonna live or die. You owe me.

"You saved the President again. I know it's your job but I don't approve of you getting hurt. I'm glad you were wearing your dragonhide shirt despite the summer heat because Inge and Djaja weren't they died. Surya got hurt but he went back to work three days ago. Indra stops in to check on you as he goes to and from work. I know you like to sleep and all but gees Sirius three and a half weeks is really pushing it. My ten minutes for this hour is up. I'll go do schoolwork, you work on waking up okay? I'll be back later."

Sirius drifted a bit. Then he felt his body being shifted and something being applied to his skin. He heard two spells muttered the desire he felt to go to the bathroom disappeared and then the slight hunger he was feeling disappeared. Wait a minute if they were in a magic hospital what the hell was Harry doing spending all his time sitting around where magic was being done what were Sri and Liana doing letting him come here.

Had anyone been looking at him in that moment they would have seen his hands twitch and rapid eye movement indicating he was trying to wake up.

"Sirius." Harry was back.

"Liana's newest grandchild developed problems apparently he has a heart problem and they didn't realize right away. I told her we would take care of any hospital bills so at least they didn't have to worry about that. If you wake up soon you'll still be able to beat him home from the hospital. They have to wait till he's bigger to give him the potion to fix the problem but he's to fragile to live at home while they wait.

"I haven't been feeling so well. Lots of headaches, probably due to stress. Course I came up with the perfect stress reliever, I'll dig through the trunks in the guard house and find those prank journals of Dad's. I'll figure out how to turn you orange with pink and purple polka dots or maybe lime green and sky blue stripes. Serves you right for worrying me Sri and Liana like this.

"And did I mention how hard it is to have an original one sided conversation every day for a month well not quite a month. I'm serious, I miss you..."

"Im Sirus, you sho no here."

"Sirius!" Harry's shout was loud enough to rattle windows and draw every unoccupied healer to the room. "I told you he would wake up!" he crowed gleefully.

Sirius banished Harry from the hospital except for one day a week. It took a few weeks before Sirius was released by that point it was mid September. He required a cane to walk and had very limited mobility in his left shoulder. He had handed Indra his resignation.

"I came to close to not making it home. Harry is my priority. I'm still willing to teach but I can't put my life on the line for the job any more." Indra looked regretful but nodded his acceptance. Sirius was in for a long recovery he had physical and occupational therapy and he had a potion regimen that he would be on for four months. He never did remember the attack that nearly cost him his life.

In late October Sirius and Harry left for their vacation in Palau. They were scheduled to be gone for six weeks.


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