Healing Waves

"Some I can tell families, like this one is a cowrie and an exceptional specimen. These two are both bivalves scalops, and this one is also a bivalve a clam of some kind. I've got some like those in my bucket. Oh my aren't you the lucky one that one is a cone. This one is a Murex but not in the best condition a lot of the points are broken. A volute, a couple strombs. two nice mitres and..."

"Cowries right?"

"Very good you learn quickly..." she paused as if asking for his name.


"It's nice to meet you Harry. Where are you staying?"

"Palau Pacific Resort."

"Me too. Shall we head back?"


"Why were you out so early?"

"So late. My godfather's probably pulling out his hair by now. If he hasn't already called the local police. "

"Why would you worry him like that?"

"I was upset when I left last night, he told me something important that affects me and I got very upset. Running the beach then watching the waves calmed me down. I was walking back when we met."

"The beach calms me when I'm upset too that's the reason I chose to come here for vacation."

"How long are you going to be here?"

"I'm here for a month. What about you?"

"We're here for five more weeks."

"What about school?"

"My godfather got hurt on his job. While he was in the hospital there wasn't much to do so I studied ahead, I don't have to go back until January. Where are you from?"

"The United States."

"That's cool. We're from the United Kingdom originally but we live in Indonesia." They had finally got to where they could see the resort. "Maybe you could have breakfast with us."

"Maybe, we'll see if your godfather lets you after you scaring him like this. Is that him?" she pointed to a dark haired man that sat on a chaise by the pool in a very dejected pose.

Harry looked up at her, "Hold these please," handing her the shells. He ran to Sirius and hugged him.

"Harry! I've been so worried." Sirius clutched Harry to him.

"I know I'm sorry it was just to much. I ran, then I cried, then I just sat and watched the waves and thought. I didn't mean to scare you."

" I know. I still have trouble with it and I'm a grown up. I didn't think enough about how you would take it. I wanted to come after you but I'm such a gimp and I didn't know where you went. So I just stayed here and prayed."

"I'm sorry. Sirius I love you but after hearing that I needed space."

"Better now?"

"Yeah. I made a new friend."

"You did?" Sirius suddenly noticed the woman standing a short distance away.

"Sirius Black This is Beth, she taught me about shells, and walked me back."

"Thanks for walking him back, Beth?.."

"O'Neill. It's my pleasure." Beth reached out to shake the attractive man's hand, he was slightly younger than her if she was any judge. When their hands touched a warm feeling swept over her.

Sirius stood amidst the vibrant chaos of Diagon Alley, the sun casting golden rays upon the cobblestones. His mind, however, was far from the bustling wizarding world around him. Instead, it wandered back to a simpler time, to the echoes of childhood laughter and whispered dreams shared between friends.

In that moment of reflection, Sirius suddenly understood what James had spoken of all those years ago. The memory of his best friend's words resurfaced with startling clarity. James, with his unruly mop of hair and mischievous grin, had once confided in Sirius about Lily Evans, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and tenderness. "It's like my magic grabbed me by the heart and said, 'This is the one,'" James had said, his eyes alight with a fervor Sirius had never seen before.

A wry grin tugged at Sirius's lips as he recalled the irony of his own situation. His mother, Walburga Black, with her rigid adherence to pureblood traditions, would undoubtedly be turning in her grave. After all the pureblood suitors she had paraded before him, Sirius found himself captivated by a woman who defied all her expectations—a Muggle-born with curls the color of ripe strawberries, eyes as blue as the waters surrounding a remote island, and a fair complexion that spoke of her Irish heritage.

As Sirius and the woman, whose name was Molly, shook hands, a sense of serenity washed over him. It was as if the pieces of a puzzle he hadn't known he'd been missing had finally fallen into place. But amidst their silent exchange, a young boy named Harry Potter observed with keen interest. His emerald eyes sparkled with mischief as he watched the two adults, sensing a shift in the air.

Harry's grin widened, a mischievous glint dancing in his gaze. With a surge of excitement coursing through his veins, he fought the urge to shout with glee. Finally, after years of longing for a mother's love, it seemed as though his wish was on the brink of coming true. "Yes!" he wanted to exclaim to the world. "I'll finally have a new mom!"


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