Setting the Stage

Sirius woke to the feel of Beth's hand stroking his chest. "Good morning."

Her lips quirked up. "Good morning."

"This is a sight I could get used to waking up to." She smiled again. Sirius suddenly remembered Harry. "Shit I forgot about Harry. I need to..." he trailed off as Beth chuckled.

"You haven't put it together yet?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I figured it out when you thanked me for last night's dinner following the second time. I didn't arrange last night, Harry did. I think he was trying to get us together."

"That little marauder! I don't know if I should spank him or thank him." Sirius quieted as Beth started kissing him.

"Thank him, later."

"Much later.." he trailed off.

It was lunchtime by the time they emerged from Beth's room. Harry radiated smug satisfaction when they found him despite the fact his fib of the previous night of not feeling well had become a truth. Sirius wrestled him into a headlock and ruffled Harry's hair. It took Harry a mere minute to escape the hold and knock Sirius over. They all took that day easy, spending most of it in the suite.

The next day, marked the beginning of the last week of Beth's vacation. From that point on the three of them spent almost all of their time together.

Five days before Beth was supposed to leave Sirius left Harry trying to teach Beth the fine art of surfing because he had a mission. He visited a jewelry store after which he went to the resort's concierge desk and asked for help in arranging for a private romantic picnic. They helped him arrange a picnic in four days time on a nearby island that had a beach near a waterfall, tide pools and very few residents almost guaranteeing privacy and a catamaran to get there. Sirius made a point to arrange for lessons on how to sail a catamaran for that afternoon and the next day.

The day of the picnic Sirius pulled Harry aside to tell him the plans he made while Beth showered.

"Kiddo, can I talk to you for a second. I told you and Beth we were going sailing today, but I didn't tell you everything. I want to ask you first, did you mean what you said when you said you wouldn't mind having Beth as a mum?"

Harry's head bobbed up and down enthusiastically.

"Well then I'm going to ask her today, make sure you take your camera and plenty of film."

"Did you get a ring already? Can I see it?"

Sirius pulled the small jewelry bag from his zippered shorts pocket and showed Harry the ring.

"It's gorgeous."

Sirius quickly put it away when he heard the shower stop."Not a word."

Harry quickly made a zipping motion across his mouth and left to pack his gear for the day . He grabbed his martial arts weapons, his guitar case and his camera case after checking it to make sure he had plenty of film. "Merde, Sirius I need to run to the photo shop here at the resort. I don't have quite enough film."

"Have you got money?" Seeing Harry shake his head no. Sirius pulled a two twenties from his wallet. "Here, hurry meet us down by the beach."

"My stuff!"

"Take your camera case, and your weapon case. I'll bring your beach bag and ask Beth to grab the guitar. Now hustle."


Beth came out dressed in a figure hugging white one piece swimsuit carrying sunscreen and her beach bag. "Where Harry going?"

"He's almost out of film, and he wants pictures of today. Need some help?"

Beth nodded and gave Sirius the tube of sunscreen. She was going to miss them so much. But she promised herself that she would accept what this vacation romance had to offer. Although part of her longed for more. After she was well coated with sunscreen she pulled her protective shirt on and tied her green smoke pareau around her hips. Plopping her sunhat on her head she headed to the door.

"Beth would you mind grabbing Harry's guitar. He wanted it along, and I can't manage it."

"Sure. Ready?"


Harry entered the photo shack at the resort, he didn't like to come here the film and development services were overpriced. But he hadn't planned on shooting as much film as he had the last few days. Crap they were out of the film he wanted in the bin. "Excuse me," he asked an employee "do you have more of this film?"

"Sorry we're out until this afternoon. I could check if the main gift shop has any."

"That would be great."

The employee got on the phone. A second later he looked at Harry and nodded. Harry smiled his thanks and bolted towards the gift shop. On the way it occurred to him Beth probably would want to look special if he was taking pictures of her and Sirius for her engagement maybe he should get her a flower lei or something. He entered the gift shop on he way to the film he saw a turquoise blue pareau with blue butterflies and flowers on it that had small iridescent sequins on it.

Perfect it matched her eyes. He snagged it on his way back from grabbing the film. He then went to the flower cooler to see what was there. He saw a deep pink hibiscus with a hair clip, and a white and pink orchid lei and bracelets and anklet combination. He pulled them from the shelf. He went to the counter to pay only to realize he had left his wallet in the room and all he had was the money Sirius had handed him, which wasn't enough.

"Can I charge this to my room please?"


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