Meet the Guardians

Beth felt tired when she got off her flight from Guam in San Francisco. After going through customs she walked to terminal A and saw her flight to BWI didn't leave for two hours. Grimacing she waited twenty minutes half expecting a security detail to show up.

When they didn't she decided she would have to razz them because they obviously were not monitoring muggle airports. Of course maybe she should keep it to herself though given that was how she gave them the slip in the first place. When the first call for her flight was made she got up and called the switchboard.

"Hello, this is the switchboard for the Magic Castle. My name is Becky how may I direct your call.

"Becky this is Beth O'Neill, Would you give my parents the information that I should arrive at BWI in about six and a half hours."

"Miss O'Neill!"

"I have to go now. Bye." Beth smirked as she hung up. She walked to her gate and handed the gate attendant her boarding pass.

Six hours later, Beth got off the plane and as she expected Rodney Pedersen was waiting along five other people whom she guessed were her new security detail. "Hello, Rodney how was your last month?" she greeted him cheerfully. "Aren't you going to introduce me to all your new friends?" Beth noticed two of the new details lips quirked up before being suppressed.

"Your parents are waiting Miss O'Neill. Did you check any luggage?" He answered his voice radiating suppressed rage.

"I have it all here thank you. I'm still waiting for introductions."

"I have had it with all of your shenanigans. You will come with us to the limo that is waiting without further delay." He growled.

"I won't get into a car with people I don't know."

One of the newcomers stepped forward before things got more out of hand. "Miss O"Neill, I'm Roy Mustang. I'm the head of your new security detail. Beside me is Riza "Hawkeye"Pierce, next is Rachel Luttrell, George Takei, and Winry Rockbell. The two others waiting with the car are Walter"Radar" O'Shaunessy and Walter Koenig. Now that everyone has been introduced may we go?"

Roy Mustang was torn between amusement and annoyance. His new assignment wasn't what everyone had led him to expect. He had taken this assignment at the request of the magical president. He wondered if perhaps this was someone using polyjuice to look like Beth O'Neill. He'd watch her closely and find reasons to delay getting her to the castle. After she was in the car, he took the pilots case to the trunk and said, "Radar delay us don't use the enhancements I want more than an hour to pass before we get to the castle."

"Okay you're the boss."

The next half hour was long for the security detail and for Beth. The new detail was astonished at the forbearance demonstrated by their charge. Rodney spent most of that time berating Beth. "What did you think you were doing ditching me and the rest of your detail. Don't you know the danger you were in? What were you thinking, a squib like you, don't you know the danger you put yourself and the rest of the wizarding public in?"and so on.

Hawkeye was just about to tell him to shut up, when Beth spoke up."Rodney, I get it, but you know what? You can take your I'm a wizard, I'm superior attitude,and shove it up your ass."

Rodney's hand whipped up wand extended ready to hex her. But Beth beat her team to the punch, she grabbed his extended hand by the wrist. She twisted hard and sent him to the floor of the car. Putting one foot on his neck she pinned him down and she used her left hand to pull his wand from his hand. "Can I trust you to hang on to this?" She extended the wand to Roy.

Reluctantly impressed, Roy said, "I've read your file and nothing indicated any sort of self defense training." As Roy reached out to take the wand he noticed a ring on her left ring finger. It was a big ring one that screamed expensive, expensive to the tune of his not inconsiderable annual salary. He wondered where she had gotten it and who had given it to her.

"It's something I learned on my vacation."

"What else did you learn on your vacation?"

Beth smiled serenely and didn't answer. She then released Rodney and resumed looking out the limos window.

When an hour and half had passed. The limo pulled up to the castle gates. After pulling up to the doors everyone got out and entered the stately castle. They were met by Andrew Bates, her father's assistant. Beth smiled cheerfully, "Hello Andrew."


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