The Stevens Family

Winry used the two way mirrors the team carried. "Walter I need you. Beth fainted in the hallway outside the dining room."

"On my way."he Stevens Family

"Relax ma'am, I'm sure Beth will be fine."

"I should get a healer."

"I am a healer ma'am and I have a suspicion as to why she fainted."


"Ma'am that would be breaking patient confidentiality."

"But I'm her mother!"

"After that little scene I just witnessed in the dining room I'm not sure she sees it that way ma'am." Winry said."Walter carry her up to her room."she said as Walter appeared.

Maryanne Stevens had picked up her daughter's left hand and as Walter moved away something caught her attention. Her daughter was wearing a ring.

Roy got into the office at three in morning, the phone rang. "Mustang."

"Ah yes Mr. Mustang, Indra Budiono my apologies for taking so long to get back to you. The person you were inquiring about is a good friend and a bit of a hero to the people of Indonesia I was not comfortable speaking of him without speaking to him first. I hope you understand."

"You call him a hero to the people, why?"

"I first met Sirius when he saved both the muggle and magical presidents of Indonesia from an attack of the Darah murni a group of extremists that feel those not of pure magical decent don't deserve to live. A few month's later I hired him as an auror, his skills were...better...sharper than those raised and trained here in Indonesia so I had him train his fellows."

"He worked well with the goals we have of working as law enforcement. Here in Indonesia the lines dividing magical and muggle are...blurred some what, Sirius proved to be most adept at making the..adjustments and teaching others to do so. He is a most brilliant man. And such a loving guardian, he loves his godson very much not many wizard would give up magic for the benefit of their wards. He worked for me until the end of August when he officially gave me his resignation."

"Why did he resign?"

"He resigned because he almost died. The attack you inquired about was a last attempt by the Darah murni to kill the President. They succeeded in killing two aurors and injuring seven others, Sirius had insisted the President get some advanced training good thing too it saved his life. The delegation to the ICW was the president and a group of nine aurors. They were attacked as soon as they landed from the portkey."

"Sirius wore armor that day he took eight curses had any of those curses hit the president he wouldn't be alive today. All of the delegation fought including the president to last the two minutes it took for the news of the attack to reach us and help to arrive. Sirius had just taken the curse that felled him in the fight as we arrived that day. He is a great man.

"I despise the English especially Albus Dumbledore for what they did to Sirius, however their stupidity is to the benefit of those who are willing to listen to truth. Are you such a man Mr. Mustang? I must go my next appointment is here. Good day."

Roy hung up the phone. The conversation had taken less than fifteen minutes but had confirmed in his mind the feelings his gut had been giving him. He wrote up his report. He added it to the file about Sirius in the office. He sent a copy to the president not that he held out much hope of him actually reading it.

Then he got up and went to the castle locker room to change into workout gear. It had become a tradition in the two weeks since Beth had first stood up to her parents that the team and their principle would meet in the mornings for a workout the eight of them would run Beth in the center to the training barracks on the far side of the compound where they would spar, strength train, or in Beth's case do yoga then after half an hour they would run back to the Castle. Beth would have breakfast with her parents, then she would leave for her office at the State Department.

That morning when they got to the training barracks Beth bolted for the bathroom again, she didn't come out for twenty minutes. Winry asked when she came out, "Do you want me to do a scan?"

"Why? So you can tell me I'm pregnant? I already know that." Beth laughed at the shocked expressions on her details faces. "Is Winry the only one who guessed? Why do you think I went back to yoga, instead of continuing with martial arts. I was due that third morning back from the trip and I've never been more than five days late I didn't want to hurt the baby so..."

"What? When?" Roy sputtered.

"When is the baby due around the beginning of August. I just wish I could get hold of Sirius."

"I'd still like to do a scan Beth, just to make sure you're healthy."

"I'll be fine. Time's up I'm supposed to meet with Charles and go over the NATO meeting notes from last month."

The rest of the day the team did it's best to run interference with Beth's family and anyone else Beth didn't want to see. Riza and Roy brought her home from work and were met at the door by Walter and Radar. "This package arrived today but the contents don't make sense to me." Radar said. Beth took the box and headed to her suite. The entire team had gathered for the evening meeting as Beth opened the box. "Cell Phones?"

"Why would an unnamed someone send you eight cell phones? They wouldn't work here and wizards short out cell phones?" Radar asked.

"I don't know." Beth noticed one of the phones had a case that had a turquoise color tropical flower made with rhinestones with a silver rhinestone stamen. She picked it up out of the box. Suddenly the box changed it was bigger and had more than phones in it. The team jumped.

Several "What the.." were heard. Suddenly the phone in her hand rang.


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