An Evening of Elegance and Strategy

"Roy I appreciate you helping me and I appreciate even more you letting me use this file. Until this morning I would have been somewhat content to wait until Daddy took his head out of his ass. But when I called Sirius this morning I found out he and Harry lost everyone they mentioned to me in this."

She slid the article the main paper on Bali had run about the tragic accident and it's aftermath, and it's translation that she asked the asian pacific research department to pull.

"I want to have them stateside by Christmas. To do that I'm willing to use this," she tapped the file," every favor I'm owed, and every dirty secret I know that I have to make that happen."

Roy half wanted to cringe, he had learned that Beth always spoke her mind if she trusted you. She didn't open her mouth and say everything, she did have an excellent sense of discretion. He knew that the his team had been given her trust for reasons, he didn't understand. It seemed she was warning him so he could be prepared to defend her from danger should it materialize.

At five Beth went to an appointment she had made that morning with the Secretary of State, she nervously entered his office. "Good evening Miss O'Neill"

"Good evening sir. I know this is very out of the norm, but I know you have the clearance to help me. I have a file I'd like you to read; the pertinent facts are in the sections labeled ICW and Indonesia." Beth waited patiently while he read.

Twenty minutes later the Secretary spoke "If I remember my original briefing on this topic the ICW is equivalent to the UN it almost seems as if the file from the British is about a different man. Why bring this to my attention?"

"I would like to bring him and his godson Harry here under diplomatic credentials so he's not automatically extradited to the UK. I would like to if it's possible to grant them asylum until the ICW can force the Brits to retry Sirius in the international court."

"This is a magical matter I don't see how it falls in my purview."

"It will be easier to slip him in as a non-magical."

"Humph. Why should I? How is this in the best Interest of the U.S."

"First simple justice sir. Second in the magical world the name Harry Potter has a great weight, helping Sirius helps Harry. Third Sirius is a genius he is developing technology that will bridge the differences between our worlds, thus increasing the likely hood of peaceful interaction between those worlds and world peace is what we are supposed to be about. The final reason I would give you is personal I met him in Palau on my vacation and I fell in love with him. The first part of that file is my account of our time together." Beth blushed lightly.

"I will consider your request. Who compiled the report?"

Roy who had unobtrusively followed Beth into the office, stepped forward. "That would be me sir. Roy Mustang security officer for Miss O'Neill's detail. I complied that report because when she first mentioned his name all I knew of him was the 1981 ICW communique. It is as through as I have been able to make it.

"Thank you, if I have questions?"

"You can contact me on my cell phone 410-555-5555 or Miss O'Neill's 410-555-1122."

"I thought wizards short out cell phones."

"Sirius figured out a way around that problem he gave me and my security team cell phones so they could better protect me,it's just one of the examples of his brilliance. I should go. I'm supposed to go to the symphony tonight with my brother. Thank you for listening Mr, Secretary."

"Enjoy your evening, Miss O'Neill."

Beth and her team went to her brothers condo. She changed into the simple but elegant greecian style sheath evening gown. She smiled when she noticed that in addition to the jewelry she requested. Bess had included the rhinestone studded comb she sometimes use to put her hair up with and three pave white gold and CZ bangle bracelets and her makeup.

She heard her brother come in and head to his bedroom to change. She exited the guest bedroom and asked Winry if she would shrink her other clothes and briefcase and keeping one copy of Roy's report out also asked her to shrink that before tucking everything into her evening purse. Her brother's security team gave her looks of mingled disgust, pity, and scorn. Her brother exited his bedroom in his tuxedo and gave his security team a glare as they looked at Beth. "Beth, you look ravishing!"


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