Finalizing the Wedding Reception

When Friday came Beth was feeling more than a little crazy. Harry had argued his way into being a boarder at school which meant that Sirius was going to pull cat box duty at John's. Of course with Harry not being around during the week Sirius would probably just vanish it. On Wednesday she had finally had an appointment with the obstetrical medi-witch Winry was friends with. She and Sirius both had got a shock because they were informed they were expecting triplets.

Harry was over the moon he would have three siblings and had taken on an endearing and extremely helpful demeanor. That visit had also cemented Harry's going to Stuart-Cavanaugh as a boarding student. The medi-witch had been able to get a tentative confirmation that at least two and likely all three were magical. She stressed to Sirius how for both the babies' and Beth's health he would have to feed Beth's energy with his magic which translated to Harry needing to be away from Sirius for a majority of the time.

Harry was both excited and scared. Sirius and Walter had put together a warding plan that they would put around the school grounds a couple of weeks into school. He had opted to take the more modern of the humanities classes, he took the social science course, composition, critical thinking, Latin, math, science, orchestra, cotillion, and gymnastics. He also committed to compete on the swim team. He had gotten the books for the other Humanities class and the materials for the Japanese class he planned to work through them on his own time.

He had gotten subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal, the Examiner, Time and US News and World Report. He figured that way he didn't have to share the schools copies. He had acquired his full recommended school list of clothes, dorm supplies, and personal items including an Apple llc plus computer. He had sorted through his belongings so he was taking the minimum with him to school. He had gotten the books for his classes and started reading them.

Last he had acquired two senseis courtesy of Rachel. One for Judo, and one that was black belted in many disciplines including eskirma and kendo that was willing to teach Harry his cross disciplines style. He didn't know if he was really ready to be mostly self reliant or not but he was going to give it his best shot. Besides he would come home every weekend.

He had come to the appointment with Bonnie because he knew he would soon be to busy with school to help much and he wanted to feel like he was actively involved with the formation of his family. Sirius, Beth, and Harry had discussed menus and clothes for the wedding. He had persuaded them to use the engagement photo and an oversized photo mat instead of a guest book. They brought it with them to show Bonnie. He also had brought a some wallet prints to go out with the press announcements. He had two ideas for touches of whimsical but didn't know if they would work and he hoped that being at the meeting would spark one or two more. Beth had taken the day off and after the discussions were over they were going to go to Oliver & Company while Sirius stayed and transfigured stuff.

Bonnie was pleased, when Sirius walked into the office with Beth on his arm and Harry on his heels. "Great we can get started, I've got really good news on the photographer hunt. I got in touch with Felkamp Photography, They are very expensive but they are also the best they usually only commit to twenty weddings a year they like to get to know the couples and they commit all of themselves to the weddings they do they do a lot more fashion and advertising photography but I worked with them two years ago on a wedding when I was an intern and it was a marvelous experience for everyone. Anyway I called them hoping against hope they weren't booked for something.

We got so lucky they had a fashion shoot but the designer got in a car accident and is in traction for four months so the shoot got cancelled. I begged and bribed and they said they'll do your wedding. Clara is flying down next week to do engagement shots and the bride's portrait. Connie wants us to go by her place so she can show us some mockups of centerpieces and bouquets. I've got favor catalogs for you to go through.

Rob wants to know your tentative food choices for organizing a taste test dinner this week, Tuesday by preference. Cakes I have information sheets on the various bakeries I've worked and been satisfied with. Anyway right now I need to show you my ideas for décor. Let's start with the wedding itself. I was thinking Sirius you mentioned magical traditions of a circle and using a sash. I thought we could use columns to define the circle. Obviously flowers and candelabras,"

"Whoa slow down Bonnie. It's great about the photographer but our engagement shots are already done. How about we deal with the table stuff and Beth and I have already looked at menu stuff and faxed it off to Rob yesterday we will want to look at other bakeries because we want more out their flavors for cake. Uptown is going to be providing fruit tarts and cheesecake diamonds, in addition to the salad, soup, intermezzo, and entree. Let's focus on finishing the details of the reception. Linens and what not."

"Right." Bonnie paused and took a breath. "Okay good point. I pulled all the table cloths that fit your colors. I've borrowed a set of each china pattern Rob has and I've got my own sets of dishes that I can get from the rental agencies. So lets get to picking."

Thirty minutes later a plush and shimmery set of linens had been selected for the reception the tables would be covered in alternating satin and velvet table cloths in rich dark chocolate the chairs and napkins would be a light blue satin tied by chocolate satin sashes with rhinestone clasps. The dishes were a Chantilly charger, Magnificence china, Park lane crystal, and King Arthur gold flatware. Bonnie decided the napkins would be folded into fleur de lis. She then asked, "Did you plan on assigned seating?"

"Yes, we feel it will make conversations easier by making it magical versus non-magical not that there won't be some mingling anyway but if we segregate based in comfort between magical and muggle it will be less likely to result in an incident." Beth said.

"Okay that will mean card holders and table numbers I have some table number holders." She pulled out a fleur de lis table number holder.

Harry frowned. "That's boring." His face suddenly brightened. " What if we had statues of different magical animals to hold the table number cards, like dragons, griffins, unicorns, pegasi, and that sort of thing?"

Sirius and Beth both smiled. "That is definitely a touch of the whimsical."


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