A Pact of Secrecy

The first day that Sirius didn't see Harry come through the door after school left him feeling more than a little lost. For so many years his whole life had revolved around Harry. He finally understood what Sri had told him. Harry would grow up and have a life of his own and to wrap his own life around Harry's wasn't healthy for himself.

When Beth got home from work, she felt pampered because Sirius had dinner waiting and a cup of her favorite herbal tea waiting. Both Winry and Walter had dinner with them. Sirius decided it was time to step up trying to find a healer for Harry, so as they sat down for dinner he started the conversation. "Winry I can't thank you enough for referring Beth and I to Medi-witch Thompson. You did so well at finding the right person to work with Beth and I that I hope you can help me find the right person for Harry."

"Well I don't know... I suppose I could find a pediatric medi-witch or wizard."

"Harry doesn't need a standard medi-witch or wizard. You no doubt noticed how his health declined in the two weeks we were at Nic's. He's got what amounts to a magic allergy because of something that happened when he was a baby."

"What happened when he was a baby?"

"He was hit by two very powerful very dark spells and if it weren't for a third very powerful spell placed on him by his mother he would be dead."

"So the medi-witch or wizard needs to be knowledgeable about dark magic. As well as Medi-wizardry for kids."

"They also need to know about Muggle medicine."

"What? Why?"

"Sri, she was Harry's medi-witch on Bali, theorized that to get rid of the spell we would have to stop Harry's heart, do a ritual, then restart his heart. Medi-wizardry can't do that but muggle medicine can."

"What the hell kind of dark spells has Harry been hit with?" Winry muttered

"He's been hit with an AK and he's a living horcrux."

"An AK?" Walter asked to clarify if he had heard correctly.

"Avada Kedavara" Sirius confirmed.

Beth spoke up, "I thought that was the killing curse and if you got hit with that you died, but how?"

"Harry's mum, Lily. She did an ancient obscure and decidedly gray ritual as Voldemort attacked and killed James that night. It was sealed when he killed her. It protected Harry from the AK and protects him still from Voldemort's soul fragment that tries to consume or control him. The soul fragment only has as much power to pull on as there is ambient magic around Harry. Harry has a strong magical core that powers his mum's spell that shields him. Which is why he can't live as a wizard while the fragment survives."

"I've never heard of such a thing." Walter said quietly.

"I haven't either." Winry seconded.

"Can you help me? Harry wants to do the ritual soon, I had originally planned to do it during his summer break this year to give him a chance to get his magical talents time to develop before he goes to Hogwarts."

"You mean he knows?" Winry asked a flabbergasted expression on he face.

"Yes I talked to him back at the beginning of November. He thought about it, and he wanted to do the ritual as soon as we got back to Bali after the trip. But Sri and I talked him into waiting until summer. How were we to know that Sri would die before that?"

"Knowledge like that at eight, no wonder the kid is so mature." Walter mused.

"You called it a soul fragment and you've called it a horcrux, which is it?" Winry asked for clarification.

"Technically it's both. Have you ever heard of a horcrux?"

"NO but it sounds disgusting, just the name makes my skin crawl."

"A horcrux is made by doing a ritual, then committing murder, then taking a resulting piece of your soul and placing inside an object or in this case a living being. The end result is a form of immortality."

Walter suddenly remembered where and in what context he had heard the name Voldemort before. "Crap are you telling me, that rat bastard that killed hundreds in the UK isn't dead. That he had these horcrux thing-a-majigs, and we'll or rather they'll have him come back?"

"Yes I know he made at least four, I control three a chalice, a locket, and Harry. I suspect he made six. I've got my few allies in the United Kingdom. While they're here for the wedding I intend to get them to start looking for the other horcruxes or at least looking for information on them. But I really want to have some good news for them by then with regards to Harry. And by good news I mean I want to be able to tell them that I have someone lined up to do the ritual as soon as school is out or shortly there after."

"I'll see what, sorry who I can find. You say the ritual. Do you actually have a ritual that you know will work?"

"I have a ritual that I'm at least seventy percent positive will work Sri and I put it together after two years of work and research. It's all part of Harry's medical file. Harry's one of a kind no one has ever survived the killing curse before and no one else has been a horcrux for another. All research, and there's damn little to go on because of how black the magic involved is, indicates the ritual should work."

"Can we see it?"

"Yes because I trust you, but I want an oath that the information goes no further without my express permission."

"I Winry Rockbell oath on my magic that the information given to me by Sirius Orion Black concerning Harry James Potter shall be passed on to no one without his express permission."

"I Walter Koenig oath on my magic that the information given to me by Sirius Orion Black concerning Harry James Potter shall be passed on to no one without his express permission."

Sirius went to the trunk he kept locked and pulled out Harry's thick medical file. Winry focused on the medical information while Walter focused on the ritual itself. When they were done they both looked disturbed.

"Unsettling isn't it?" Sirius commented.

"The ritual is very complex and you have mere minutes to complete it and the wards those are very complex all alone adding the ritual it's some of the most amazing magic I've every seen a blueprint for. I'd like to examine the ward arrays more closely." Walter commented.

"I don't mind you're a warding expert. I know some specialized wards the goblins taught me to help Harry and found other applications for them but my expertise is definitely limited. I was also hoping you'd help me with wards for Stuart-Cavanaugh I want to put some wards up there as a safety measure."

Winry just sat there shocked most of the medical aspects of the proposed ritual were something traditional medi-wizards would never consider because they were just so horrible. But the reality of the details of the horcrux appalled her and were even more horrifying; to face life as a muggle when you were actually a wizard or to be possessed with no hope of breaking it. She shuddered. Finally she looked up and met Sirius' eyes "I'll do what ever I can to help."

"Help me find someone capable of reviving him, that's the help I need."


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