Unveiling Secrets

Amelia was the first to speak. "In Japan you told me you controlled three of these anchors."

"Yes I control the locket, the cup he mentions that Bellatrix got..."

"How did you manage that?" Andie spoke up.

Grimjaw was looking at Sirius in mingled shock and respect.

Sirius gave an unrepentant grin. "I'm Lord Black. I made not having a dark mark a requirement to show loyalty to the family. Andie you know the family rules about contracts within the family..."

"Your first and foremost loyalty is to the family Black... no vows or marks of loyalty can be given to any save a monarch or you forfeit any right to the name Black and the benefits thereof." She looked at Grimjaw, "That's why you checked for a mark."

"Indeed." he responded.

Sirius started speaking,"Trixie, had a mark and most of the liquid assets of her dowery were spent either by the LeStranges of by Moldyshorts himself. When I reclaimed her forfeited dowery she couldn't pay it all so the goblins gave me a list of items in their vault and the approximate values. I opted to gain control of the cup valued at a third of the debt instead of taking all the galleons, sickles, knuts, and family jewels."

"And the third?" Amelia asked although she already sort of knew.

"Is me." Harry said.

Remus and Andie both blanched. Sirius got pale as well. "Harry is the third. I am currently trying to find a healer/doctor for Harry. In the pensievie are the memories of the meetings with Sri when we discussed Harry." All of them went into the memories.

Harry was quiet when they came out.

Remus looked at the serious looking boy, "How do you feel about this?"

"I want the son of a bitch to die, I can't be a wizard as long as this fragment is inside of me. It makes me to sick to be around magic. Just the little bit of magic I've been around this weekend and I have a killer headache and am nauseous. It will take me a couple of weeks to recover from the exposure. If I have to die, I'll do it with honor and courage as a wizard; just so someone like him can't come back."

"James would be very proud of you." Remus said then he swallowed hard and fought tears.

"We're hoping we can kill the soul fragment without permanently killing Harry. Which is why I'm conducting a careful hunt for the right healer/doctor." Sirius looked at his allies. "At this point we need to find out all we can about Voldie, it's only that information that will let us find any other horcruxes he may have made. I mean we have the information that Reg gave us about an old diary; we need to find it and destroy it of course. However I'm at a loss of how to destroy the horcruxes I've got except the one in Harry, because I don't have a source for basilisk venom and I've never tried to summon fiendfyre. Those are the only two ways I've been able to find to destroy them according to what I've found."

"I'll look into this, it may be we goblins can find basilisk venom or come up with an alternative." Grimjaw said.

"I have successfully cleared my name here in the U.S.; Nic is going to file so hopefully I can get cleared internationally at the next ICW conference. The only question will be will Albus Dumbledore continue to try to darken my already black name in an effort to try and get hold of Harry or will he clear me in the U.K.?"

"In Japan you mentioned betting Albus would have tried to get a hold of Augusta Longbottom's grandson. I didn't believe you at the time. I have since then found out he did make an attempt Augusta mostly retired from public life to prevent it. I have made friends with her and I would like to inform her about everything."

"What about Frank and Alice?" Sirius asked.

"They've been in Saint Mungo's since about four days after the attack on Godric's Hollow. They were attacked by Death eater's trying to get information about what happened at the Potter's. Since there was a lot of confusion when You know who's body disappeared after that attack." Andromeda said.

"What happened to Moldyshort's body? It was on the floor next to Lily's, before I moved her down next to James." Sirius queried.

"It was found by law enforcement, but when law enforcement went to pull it back out to try and reassure the public after the attack on the Longbottoms. It was missing along with his wand." Amelia said.

"Great. So have you tried contacting any other allies the Macmillains, or the McGonagalls, the Greengrasses?" Sirius asked.

"To be honest, Albus has been and is very deft at wielding his influence. So many of his generation having been eliminated in the wars against Grindelwald and the war against Voldemort. People look to him as a leader of the light since his defeat of Grindelwald add to that, his familiar Fawkes. Even when faced with evidence most people would not believe ill of Dumbledore."

"It wasn't until you pointed out to me in Japan and I observed it myself that I realized just how he manipulates others into doing his bidding. The only difference between him and a dark lord is he truly doesn't wish ill on anyone. He knows where all the skeletons are buried and isn't afraid to use that knowledge to get his way. It's almost frightening." Amelia said.

"He's afraid of Harry. Afraid of the influence Harry will one day have. He has carefully primed the Order of the Phoenix members to fear Harry, because of the influence you have had over him Pads. He doesn't paint him truly dark but he always expresses concern about your influence, I think it would take very little to get most of them to think the worst of Harry." Remus said softly.

"I guess that means I have to be as unintimidating as possible when I get back to England then." Harry said calmly.


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