Climbing the Sacred Rocks

Yiska was trying to come up with convincing arguments to sway Sirius and Rachel to allow him to take Harry into the desert and guide him through a vision quest. He thought that a quest might help Harry regain his center. After listening for several minutes while they argued he finally came up with how to describe what he saw as the problem.

"Sirius, Rachel we are all agreed that as he is Harry is or rather has a problem. But we are in a conundrum about how to fix it or what the problem really is. I think I have found a way to describe the problem as I see it. All wizards have a center this center is from where our power flows. It is what connects us to the earth. We as wizards are instinctively aware of our centers we don't need to be shown, the basic exercises that we are taught in our first month of school teaches us the control so that we don't ever lose it as we get older."

Yiska waited until he got nods of understanding before continuing. "Harry's core developed to counter the soul fragment becoming like a see saw, his core on one side the fragment on the other." He waited until they nodded again. "What happens on a see saw if one side's weight is suddenly taken away?"

"It loses balance and crashes to the side that still has weight. So the true question becomes how do we help Harry re-acquire his center and build from there." Rachel said.

"I would like to take Harry into the desert and guide him through a vision quest. He is young for it, most of my people don't do it until they are in their mid-teens but I think it would help him to find his center."

"What is involved?" Sirius asked.

"I would do several cleansing ceremonies and a Blessing Way ceremony then we would ride out into the desert and find a place where he would feel connected to the earth. Harry would participate in the ceremonies and he would fast for many days. In a vision quest one fasts to loosen the ties to the body and free the soul for a vision this process helps one to center to find that which is most important, and to give direction to one's life."

"You're sure this would help?" Sirius asked.

Yiska nodded.

"When do we go?"Sirius asked.

" We do not. This journey is between the myself and Harry, no one else comes. As to when a few days Harry will need to start fasting tomorrow morning and we will do a cleansing ceremony in the morning. But before that he and I must talk."

"Can I be there for that?"

"Of course. You both can."

"How about now? If I know Harryand the way things have gone lately, he has hit frustration with attempting meditation by now." Sirius said.

Forty-five minutes later it was agreed. The next four days all started with a morning spar followed by a cleansing ceremony and meditation. Yiska noticed on the second day Harry always seemed to face the same direction the southeast when he attempted to meditate.

During the afternoons Harry and Yiska spoke of spiritual things. Yiska attempting to give Harry a basis to go forward from while on his quest. On the fourth day Harry achieved a meditative state so the next day after the cleansing ceremony, Yiska and Harry did the Blessing Way ceremony and left for Harry's quest.


Yiska spoke softly to "Harry, you have fasted from food but I have let you have juices and broth the last several days from this point forward you will have only water until you have had your vision."

Harry still in a semi meditative state nodded his understanding."I have noticed that when you try to meditate you always face to the south east. Do you feel drawn that direction?" Harry nodded again. "Okay then that's the way we'll go." Yiska drove his truck to the southeast at every cross roads he would verify with Harry the direction. He thanked the spirits that in his current state Harry wasn't blowing out the truck windows. Four hours later he felt astonished. Harry was being drawn to one of the most sacred areas for the Navajo people Spider Rocks in the Canyon de Chelly National Monument. This could get sticky he thought. He was relieved when the ranger on the gate turned out to be Jim Shivers. Jim was his grand nephew, a wizard, and as a young man he was one of Yiska's former questers. "Jim, I didn't know you worked here."

"Uncle, how are you?"

"I am well."

"And your wife?"

"She is well also."

"What brings you down this way?"

"A vision quest, I and this young man wish to camp on the grounds of the park."

"A quest? Alright. I technically know I shouldn't but I know you and a quest shouldn't be denied."

"Thank you."

"Can you do your best not to be noticed?"

"Sure." Even as they pulled through the gate Yiska cast notice me not spells on himself and Harry. They eventually pulled up to the base of Spider Rocks. Harry got out and started to the rocks when he got to the base he started to climb. Yiska stopped him. "Where are you going?"

"Up, I need to go up." Harry said inwardly focused on something only he could sense.

Yiska inwardly swore. He cast a spell he had crafted years ago that allowed for a person to be able to climb like a spider then he tagged Harry with a tracking spell so he would be able to find him again. After casting the two spells he said "Okay climb."

He watched as Harry started to climb the rocks. He set a spell that would trigger a heavy duty cushioning charm on the ground if something were to fall he set the trigger to start at fifty feet. The sun was starting to set when he felt the tracking spell stop moving. He grabbed his broom from the truck along with a pack. He flew up to where he felt the tracking spells had stopped. Harry was on a ten foot wide ledge two hundred and seventy five feet up the rocks. Yiska deposited the pack next to Harry. "Is this the spot?" Harry nodded. "Okay stay here, the climbing spell will last until you come back down, don't forget your water be sure and drink. And if you're not back in three days I'll be back to check on you."

"Thank you."


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