The Final Touch: Completing the Wand

Finally his last week there she had him sit with her. She asked him, "What have you learned about magic, Harry?"

"Magic is for lack of better description an energy that can be used to transform thought into reality. It can be harnessed by those with the ability to use magic."

"How is it harnessed?"

"Magic is harnessed through focus, concentration and will."

"Is that all?

"No most witches and wizards use incantations, wands and wand movements that have proven to have repeatable results to do magic."

"What else can you tell me about magic?"

"Magic has many disciplines Charms, potions, transfiguration, mind magic, sex, runic, warding, healing, divination, blood, black and elemental."

"What is dark magic?"

"Dark magic is a way of classifying magic that is used by magical governments to discourage practitioners of magic from harming others for their own benefit. Most magic is neither light nor dark it depends on what it's used for. Most governments have classified blood magic and black magic as dark,along with various spells, potions, equations, runes, wards, and mind magic practices as dark because they are prone to abuse."

"Tell me about black magic."

"Black magic is a form of magic that is destructive, addictive and requires a large output of negative emotion, that tends to slowly drive its users insane. Spells such as the avada kedavra, and cruiatus curse that are a black version of old healing spells are two examples of black magic."

When is blood magic truly dark?"

"Blood magic is truly dark when the blood used is unwillingly shed. Most forms of magic have some aspect to them that can be classified as dark even healing because the imperious spell was created by healers to help suicidal people, but has been used by others it to hurt and even kill others."

"Good you have a very good grasp of what dark magic is. What forms of magic is the most rare?"

"Elemental magic is the rarest form of magic. Divination is the second most rare."

The interrogation continued for hours even over lunch The questions had started with an almost recitation quality but as it proceeded more and more of them required that Harry synthesize the answers. At the end of the day Harry went back to the townhouse and fell into bed. Sirius was a little concerned but accepted that Harry was tired.

The next morning, Harry mentally prepared himself for a continuing onslaught of questions but was surprised when Inarra lead him to the workroom and pulled his wand and waved the core out. She smiled at Harry then murmured a spell, Harry watched as his wands core rolled into a tight almost pipe cleaner like form. Inarra gestured for him to come forward. "It is time Harry. You must put the core into your wand."

Harry took it and carefully pushed the core into the center of the wand. When he finished Inarra nodded and murmured another spell. Inarra smiled. "That will relax the core tomorrow we will finish the wand.

"You have been an excellent student Harry Your understanding of theory exceeds the grasp of most students and you should be proud of the work you have done. You have come a long ways from the impatient boy demanding answers to questions but unwilling to wait for the answers."

"Now I will teach you about wands. There is a saying in the magical world the wand chooses the wizard. For most witches and wizards this means that the wand they get before they start school is the wand that they are the most compatible with. However that does not mean that they are not compatible with other wands or that they will always be compatible with that wand. That wand can be won from them.

When ever a wizard or witch duels it is possible to win their wand most wands remain compatible but there are some that will not. Wands bond to their owners so for the most part once you are older and have worked with your wand your wand will accept use by those you call friend and by those who can defeat you or disarm you. Intent is always the key.

"Your wand will be finished in two days you have a unique mix for a wand. Juniper for cleansing the spirit, Pegasus feather for power and creativity, ki-lin, and I had to do research to find this, for purity and knowledge. About the only wand I can think of that would have the potential for more good is holly and… Phoenix feather. But a word of warning never do a black spell or even borderline dark with your juniper wand it will likely either rebel or burn out on you."

"What if I were doing a borderline spell to purify someone who did black magic?"

"Given how tight a bond you are likely to form with this wand it may be possible but I wouldn't risk it."

"Why do you say it's likely to form a tight bond?"

"You collected the elements, I have touched the core only once you did most of the true work. It is truly your wand although I would like to add a small gift to it if you will let me."


"This." Inarra held out a small seven eights inch diameter button like object.

Harry examined it closely it was a yin-yang symbol made of moonstone and onyx. "How would we add it?"

"Leave that to me. I would need a small amount of metal like what your pendant is made from."

"I could probably get some."

"Do so and tomorrow we will finish your wand."

"I know it's only lunch time but are we doing anything else today?"

"No, you're excused."

"Thank you ma'am."

"You are welcome Harry."

The next day Harry returned with some tungsten carbide, anxious to finish his wand. Inarra had Harry put a small juniper plug into the haft then she had him rub oil into the wood. When he finished she said a spell to dry it. After that he put three polyurethane coats over it which she also dried between each layer. "What next?" Harry asked her.


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