The Breaking Point

"I'll tell you what I see, Miss Luttrell. I see a witch that prefers to live like a muggle, who was drafted by her lover. A lover, that judging by the other witches he has drafted isn't even a faithful lover, to a detail that she isn't really qualified for. Not that I care what happens to that squib, she's a disgrace to her mother and I fail to see why the President cares what happens to her."

Rachel hit her limit. For the past six years she had come to these reviews, and inevitably she heard insults about her abilities and her morals. She had know what to expect when she entered the room, so why was it bothering her so much now. Maybe it was because before she didn't have options. She loved the work she'd done since joining Beth's detail. It satisfied her more than any work she'd done previously. It followed her family's example, and was what she had signed up for WIS to do; but was it truly worth the grief that Chambers was handing her. Rachel was convinced that if she quit WIS, Sirius would hire her in a heartbeat and he would let her continue to do what she loved. Decision made she spoke,"You misogynistic pureblood bigot. You know what I quit, I don't have to sit here and listen to you degrade a man that is easily worth fifty of you, and to be insulted and degraded by your puerile imaginings. Not to mention the things you said about Beth. She deserves better. People don't have to have magic to be worth knowing. It's pathetic that you think that way but it's your loss. Furthermore Roy Mustang isn't my lover; he's a visionary leader that one day will move WIS into the next century even against the wishes of dottering idiots like you. Goodbye Director Chambers, if I every meet you again it will be to soon."

As she walked out of the meeting she pulled out her cell. Dialing Sirius she hoped she hadn't just made a mistake.


"Sirius, I find I am in need of a job. I just told Chambers to take his shit and shove it…"

Sirius' barking laugh echoed in her ear. "You're hired. But you get to explain to Roy why I have yet another of "his" people. He told me I couldn't have anymore. I want you working the same schedule as George. I have a project for the two of you, I'll let George explain. Sorry, no more weekends. Also I'm tentatively planning a four month time jump for Harry's next break. Hawaii since I hear it's warm and has good surfing in February. We'll be using just De Sable security for that jump. The second jump will be Chicago again."

"What does Charlie say about that?"

"He's looking forward to it, wants to see Harry's silencing dome. He thinks it could be useful. We'll be taking George and Sheba with us, she acts like she might be a familiar to Harry and it may help. Did you hear what she did when I took him back to school without her? She's repeated that performance three times each time he's been home for the weekend."

"So where in Hawaii?"

"I'm looking into it I got a lead on a private estate that has surf beach access. Working through the memories is hard enough that I want the rest of that time to be completely stress free."

"Will two months be enough?"

"Probably not. But two months is the longest I'm willing to put Harry through the torture of dealing with them on a daily basis. He'll probably need the time in Chicago to recover. The plan is the Friday after finals we'll port key to Hawaii and then jump back. I'm bringing a house elf and having the goblins go the week before to see about the wards there going to be similar to the ones on the house…"

"In other words heavy as hell, heaven help the poor sod that thinks they can get in to steal or hurt one of us."

"Precisely." Rachel could hear the grin in Sirius' voice. Before he continued, "Given what we're going to do in Hawaii the plan is no sightseeing so we're going light in the security department and are going to rely on the wards. You're doubling as martial arts teacher, George is going as counselor and fencing instructor, Rick, Hal, and Peter for security. Harry will be more comfortable with fewer people hearing him and seeing him in a post nightmare state, and to be honest I suspect sleep those two months will be crap. I'll probably suggest that you all put sound barriers on your bedrooms. Once we're back from both Jumps you and George can take two weeks off since you're jumping with us and are going to pretty much going to be working most of that time."


"Rachel, glad to have you on board."