A Web of Deceit

Amelia Bones ignored the chaos of the Wizengamot chamber and stepped to Montgomery Scott. "How long ago did the attack take place?"

"Three hours ago I think."

"Shack apparate to St. Mungo's get their most senior healer with experience with sectumsempra. You've got ten minutes I'll pay for anything he or she needs while there. If Moody's right we don't have much time, if it's not already too late. Montgomery do you have a way to bypass the portkey restriction?"

Montgomery suddenly realizing where she was going, nodded. "The President gave me a portkey that will take two and only two people back to D.C. He'll undoubtably be willing to give the healer a portkey to Chicago. I'll go too and update the President on what happened here this morning."

"Great. Meanwhile, I and the rest of these people will figure out who is going to get the joy of cleaning the mess up." As sounds of nominations for Chief Warlock rang out across the chamber.

Sirius walked into the office Rick had called him and requested he come to the Castle ASAP and to please turn his phone off. As he walked into the office he said "I'm here Rick what's up?"

"I need you to go home and stay there phone off. No one can see you."

"Something happened on the jump didn't it. How bad?"

"You and Harry are in Chicago Magical Mercy Hospital's Trauma Ward. You're in critical but stable condition. Winry is watching over you and Harry."

"Got it."

"Sirius do you want to know?"

"No. since Harry and I haven't left on the jumps yet it's better I know nothing."

"I was hoping you'd say that. Now I get to go brief my counterpart. I hope to everything that Montgomery Scott can clear things on his end or life is going to get very…"

"Sucky?" Sirius said using one of Harry's newest slang terms.

"Yes, very sucky very soon."

"George, I realize that you want to come down hard on Magical Britain and this isn't easy, but I only need you to increase the security level. I plan to have WIS agents in every airport that gets international flights… We can't afford to let any British witches and wizards that may try travel by muggle means through… If you feel it's appropriate of course you may call the queen and Prime Minister Thatcher. I know for a fact both of them are in the know. ..I'm praying it doesn't come to that… I respect Montgomery's abilities his shock when I sprang it on him argues it was the act of a few which means that the majority will prevail and it will be sorted out in the three days I gave him. I'm also applying pressure from other directions I've pulled in some favors from leaders of other governments and Britain Magical government has few friends at the moment so we've pretty much locked the magical population onto the island. Thanks. I'll repay the favor when I can… yeah. Goodbye."

A half an hour later Chambers was sweating because the short list of those who knew Black's location came around to his name. Roy Mustang was heading up the D.C. Interviews.

"Director Chamber's I'm sorry to pull you away from your busy schedule, but WIS appears to have sprung a leak. The President himself interviewed me under veritaserum before assigning me to this investigation. As per WIS regulations a veritaserum interview may be requested at any point in your employment. I have the affidavit and waiver you signed forty years ago when you first started with WIS allowing this interview."

After giving the Director of WIS three drops of veritaserum, Roy started the questioning. "Name?"

"Jonathan Alexander Chambers."

"Director Chambers did you know the whereabouts of Sirius Black on July 13th?"


"Did you in any way communicate that information to anyone outside of WIS?"



"Alastor Moody."


"Black is a disgrace to purebloods he married a squib. He is wielding too much influence with the President. By telling Moody who has spent his spare time and all his money on trying to track Black I get rid of a thorn in my side."

Roy gave him the antidote. "Director Chambers you are under arrest for treason to the Magical Administration of the United States. You have the right to a trial. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one one will be appointed for you." Roy snapped the magically binding cuffs onto the director. Then handed him to the two other agents who had served as witnesses to the interview.

"You can't do this Mustang!"

"I can and I have; the days of pureblood bigotry in WIS is over. I would wish you have a nice life but given you're guilty of treason for making an attack possible yours is likely to be cut short. Even in prisons most of the people don't like those that betray their own country. That's of course assuming you get to go to prison after all one of the penalties for treason is the death sentence. Get this scum out of my sight."

"Daddy what is going on? James Baker gave me a call and sent me here to you. There are people running around in the European division like there's a crisis in the offing but no one has information as to what this crisis is or what precipitated it."

"British aurors attacked a WIS exercise today. One man was killed three others are in bad shape."

"Sirius? Harry?"

"Both are in the hospital."