"Elemental?" Sirius looked at Harry in surprise. Harry's monitors were glowing and softly beeping in a reassuringly steady pattern.
"Yep, he called lightning down on your attackers."
"Norton and Crawley?" Sirius turned back to Winry.
"Crawley's dead, Norton got a major concussion but he'll get out of here before you. He's supposed to be released tomorrow in fact."
"Remind me never to leave the house with out armor again."
Winry grinned "I'll do that."
"At the moment that's someone else's worry." Winry smiled as Sirius gave a long blink attempting to stay awake. She pulled the dose of sleeping draught over and opened it. "Your job right now is to rest and recover. I need you to drink this."
"Does Beth know?"
"Yes, now drink this."
In Washington DC, Roy had asked Riza if she could give him twenty minutes to read the transcript Montgomery had sent to the President of the Wizengamot inquiry. He needed a psychological opinion and George was still in Chicago. He watched as she read. When she finished and closed the folder he asked, "Well?"
"No wonder the Brits are so fucked up. They've had a sociopath at the pinnacle of their society."
"Dumbledore, I don't know everything about him but based on this," she waved the report, "the man has most of the earmarks of a sociopathic personality. Fudge is an obvious incompetent that has obviously followed Dumbledore's sociopathic example with a lot less ability. Hopefully since both of them have now lost their positions things will get better but… I'd be willing to bet a months salary that unless change is imposed from the outside things in Britain won't change rapidly because the people there are obviously sheep used to being shepherded by sociopaths. Hope that helps. Can I go home now? I'm going on eighteen hours since I've slept and I'm on duty in seven."
"Yeah, thanks Hawkeye, I'll pass your analysis on."
That evening Maryanne apparated to the Black family home. Sirius was taking charge of the triplets nightly baths so Beth and her mother could talk. Maryanne smiled and said, "Winry called Roy, Sirius came around and was normal so she's sure he'll make a full recovery."
"And Harry?"
"He's stabilized."
"That's a relief."
Harry and Sirius recovered from the attack and got back to Baltimore on schedule. Harry went on the trip with his classmates to China and with his family to Montana as planned. His 10th birthday party was everything Sirius had hoped it would be. Harry proved to be a natural on a broom. Harry and Sirius decided they definitely would pursue contacting Jarrod Moran, so Harry could study elemental magic. Harry cheerfully began the seventh grade at Stewart-Cavanaugh. But fallout from the attack continued to influence events in the rest of the magical world.
Roderick Stevens despite being only 83 years old he felt old, it had been a long three terms. As the American Magical President he was feeling the load. He'd done most of what he'd set out to do. When he'd been the Vice-president and he'd been shocked as he had started serving just how much old world prejudices had influenced attitudes of those in power. The magical people of the United States however had been ready for change and when he'd run on a reform platform fifteen years ago he'd become the youngest Magical President ever elected. His plan for government reform had worked. There had been a few bumps and a few hold outs, but with Chambers' arrest for treason five months ago he had finally been able to appoint someone young and non prejudiced into the position as leader of WIS. Now all the places in the magical government that influenced major policy were all held by people who had the best interests of the country in mind and the willingness to respond to the desires of its people. His vice president had been elected as his successor and in three weeks he would be free of the responsibility. He could focus on being a grandfather instead of the state of the magical world. Two more of his children were in serious relationships and thanks to Michael, he was expecting another grandchild soon. His phone rang, "Stevens."
"Rick, I was hoping I could ask you and Clive to come to the White House for a teleconference tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. If it runs longer than two hours I'll supply lunch. It involves the whole English magical situation. James Baker is bringing Beth, and I need you and Clive there."
"I'll have to check with Clive about his schedule, but I should be able to get there no problem. Would you mind if I brought my son in law? He's a Brit ex-patriot, and he grew up in well to-do, pureblood household. He is also generally insightful and maybe could help."
"Go ahead. I'll let security know."
Rick hung up. Then asked the switchboard to put him through to Sirius.
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