A Test of Leadership

"Tough, I don't make decisions like that in a snap. Besides I'm not sure if my wife would be willing to come, and I don't go anywhere long term without her. After all as long as Sirius is a wanted man in England, he and the grand kids will be staying in Baltimore and prying Maryanne away from the triplets is next to impossible."

Beth and Sirius fought to keep smirks off their faces.

Lady Augusta spoke; the slight smirk she wore said she recognized Rick's tactic for what it was.

"The biggest holdup in Wizengamot on the extradition, is the fear that these men who while guilty of poor judgement and of following poorly conceived orders, will face the death penalty for participating in the attack resulting in the death of one of your citizens."

"Reassure your people, the auror we captured has stood trial and while he was found guilty he only received fifteen years in prison. Unlike your Azkaban, our prisons are humane. Once he has served his sentence, he will be deported for England post haste."

"I'll tell them. Rufus I believe we have achieved our aims; we should stop making Mrs. Thatcher and Minister Major uncomfortable. Mrs Thatcher, Minister, thank you for the assistance in arranging this. Good day." A moment later a loud crack was heard through to teleconference line.

"So, what do you make of that?" The President asked. The group including the Prime Minister broke down everything that had been said and it's ramifications.

As the meeting wound down, Beth noticed Sirius seemed unnaturally quiet. She could tell his focus was far away."Thinking about England?"

"Yeah, thinking if I were there I could be really helping to solve problems. I have the birth, wealth and social position to really influence things. Andie does well, but she didn't have the last Lord Black training her the first eleven years of her life or an Uncle Archie teaching her the economic side of things. I don't trust Dumbledore, and I know he's still controlling the Potter seats despite Andie's petition to put them under Black control. But until they overturn the damn trial from 1982, I can't challenge his right to wield them. I'd just bet that the old bastard is obstructing the flow of things, just because he's unwilling to give up power. I just wish there had been grounds to bring him to trial during the crisis."

"Well maybe there wasn't grounds in the magical world, but maybe in the muggle?"

"You, my darling, are brilliant! I'll call Amelia and suggest it as soon as we're done here."


"Ladies and gentlemen, this continuous arguing must cease unless we wish to lose the charter that keeps us safe from muggles. The Queen will grant an extension only if we get outside help in our restructure. The most qualified person is Roderick Stevens. He requires that we deal with sending the attackers to the United States. I have his assurances that the aurors won't be facing the death penalty despite the fact they participated in an attack that killed an American wizard." Rufus finished his statement.

"How can you think of sending our wizards to that place? They're ignorant yokels that think nothing of handing out absurd punishments." Lucius Malfoy stated.

"I don't know, sometimes I think they have the right idea. They haven't had Dark Lords in that country, that gained followers the way we have here. Something about they actually try and punish the followers as well as the dark lord." Amelia Bones drawled and gave him a look to encourage him to shut up and sit down. "Minister, we are talking about sending just the aurors that participated and Fudge aren't we?"

"Yes, Fudge who ordered the attack, Moody who carried out the order, Trent,Williamson, and Dawlish. Five people who should have known better, versus the well being of eight thousand witches and wizards. I think the equation is simple so I ask again for a motion from the floor."

Andromeda Black stood, "I move that the five people involved with ordering and carrying out the attack on the United Magical States wizards face the consequences of their actions and be extradited immediately as should have happened five months or more ago. As I have said at every meeting of this body since that time."

Augusta Longbottom smiled at Andromeda, "Second?"

"I second the motion to extradite the five people behind the destabilization of our society." Amelia said.

"Discussion?" came Lady Longbottom's voice.

The discussion lasted twenty-two hours and had Lady Longbottom banging her gavel to create order more than once. She had decided to have the session run until a vote occurred which she suspected was the only reason why the factions not in favor of the extradition ever shut up. In the end when the vote was cast it was one of the closest votes following one of the longest sessions ever in the history of the Wizengamot. By two votes the aurors and Fudge would be extradited.


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