A Trial of Bias and Justice

Amelia Bones had sent a recently promoted Kingsley Shacklebolt to the U.S. as the official auror in charge of Sirius's custody. Kingsley was uncomfortable with the looks Sirius' team sent him as they gathered at the Magic Castle before the transfer. The portkey came to a rest in Grimauld place's entry hall. It had been decided that the House would act as home for the magical delegation.

"Master is here!" Came Keacher's excited exclamation. As they came to a stop chaos ensued there were the Blacks, the Stevens, and seventeen security people who immediately spread out to check the house. Two additional elves popped in and started sorting the luggage.

Three days later, Sirius and his legal team entered the largest courtroom in the Wizengamot. The room's gallery had been magically expanded so now it could now seat two thousand, instead of it's normal five hundred. The ICW representatives were seated on the also magically expanded floor of the room. As he made his way through the crowded room Sirius greeted his international friends. Finally he, Smith, and Baracas got to the defendants table at the front of the room. He looked up towards the judges box and was half surprised to see Albus sitting there.

"International Confederation of Wizards emergency conference now comes to order. Supreme Mugwump Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore presiding."

The conference started. Rick was the appointed spokesman for the U.S. He let the usual formalities take place It was quickly sorted out that the reason behind the international crisis was the question of the guilt or innocence of Sirius Orion Black. But when Albus went to start the judicial proceedings for Sirius, Rick stood up."I wish to lodge a protest."

"The basis of this protest?'

"Albus Dumbledore should not be allowed to preside in this matter because of bias. He has an intrinsic bias as one of the charges being judged is a kidnapping of a minor charge, he claims he's got guardianship of said minor."

Albus frowned. "I suppose you wish to preside?"

"OF course not I freely admit to being biased in this matter. I, Roderick Stevens of the United States, move that Gunner Drealovich of the Russian Confederation, being a neutral party, should preside in these proceedings." Rick had met the Russian before but knew Sirius hadn't. Drealovich was a stickler for law. Rick was completely confident that if he was appointed to run this trial, within two days the pertinent laws of English law would be looked into as well as the international statutes.

"Very well," Albus frowned. "Is there a second."

"I, Surya Kusnadi of the Magical Republic of Indonesia, second the motion."

"Discussion?" The room was quiet, or at least as quiet as a room filled with two thousand people ever got.

"Very well, we'll vote then. All in favor? Opposed?" Albus watched as the counter turned blue. The majority felt he should not be presiding. Stupid idiots.

Sirius smiled when pretty much as expected a recess was called by Drealovich so he could review the statues both international and British. They would meet again in the following Monday.

Sirius used the weekend to take care of some long overdue business.

"Hello, Narcissa I imagine it's been hard to keep up the family reputation on Malfoy money alone. I've allowed you to avoid this for years but it's decision time. So do I dissolve your marriage or is that whiny little Death Eater crawling worm you married going to toe the line I set."

"You can't do this Sirius. I was your favorite cousin you can't.."

"The hell I can't, Cissy I was fond of you especially when like Andie you continued to speak to me after I got into Gryffindor, but I can't let Black family resources go to people who use it for terrorism and the sort of black magic that even Father disapproved of." Sirius felt badly for his beautiful cousin but he wouldn't bend.

"What about my son?"


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