









Two words known to all beings in the world because one of the two places we will go to at the time of our death. However, they know little between heaven and hell the middle part that separates these two places. And in this between, there is this limbo, a world that no one knows exist. A place where all the sinners went through to suffer yet an unknown suffering because they are so free to do anything and everything they've done when they still alive.


One place where they do not know that they are no longer alive so they can continue their evil deeds freely without even knowing the severe punishment for them is their complete disappearance and erasure from humanity. There is no chance of reincarnation, no chance of salvation, an ultimate punishment set by God for those who commit such cruel acts on Earth.


*** ***


Dream World


We're finally out of the building and looking back, I saw this tall and huge building in front of us. I couldn't imagine that this is where we came from because the outside looks so normal like one of those well-known five star hotels on Earth. It's really amazing to see such sight in this dream world however, this building use not for the purpose of luxury and convenient living but to be a prison for the sinners. And I can't imagine how I can live there for even a minute.


"My Lady!" suddenly lady fairy pulled me into hiding.


"What's going on?" I surprisingly asked her.


"You need to wake up now, my Lady." She said in a hurry and I couldn't help but to get curious of what she was looking at.


I was so surprised to see at the front of the building a thousand cloak creature floating through the darkness. "Why are there so many of them?"


"Because they felt that someone else had entered this realm that did not belong in this place. And they're looking for it."


"You mean… it's me."


"Yes, that's why you need to wake up now because I can no longer protect you from those cape creatures. With so many of them, we can't just run away from them like we did with the guards inside the building. Also, it will be a death penalty if they see us. That's why you better wake up now before it's too late."


'Almos.' I couldn't help but to call his name, hoping he'll come if I did call him.


"He can't be summoned here." she said. "This isn't his realm because it belongs to the Angel of Death and if he'll come here the Angel of Death won't allow him to pass through the gates of death."


I can't believe I have no choice but to wake up myself and I'm afraid it will take long because even if I already can control one fourth of my powers, being able to wake up myself out of this nightmare is out of my control. I really don't know how to wake up myself even though I badly wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.


'Jump.' Suddenly a voice speaks to me and I thought it was the lady fairy.


"What did you just said?"


"I said nothing."


'Listen to me, Jeanne. Just jump and you'll be able to wake.' Once again it speaks to me.


"Who are you?"


"Who are you referring to?" Lady fairy asked.


"The voice I hear in my head, she's the one that talks to me." I answered.


Lady fairy stared at me for a long time before answering. "In that case, whatever that voice says just do it because I'm sure that voice won't harm you."


Silence and it took me long to decide whether I'll follow or not to follow.


'Trust me, just jump.' The voice speaks again and this time I take a deep breath before I decided.


'Where do I jump?' I asked through my mind.


'Look at to your side.'


I look and saw myself standing in a cliff. "What the hell!" I exclaimed.


"Go!" Lady fairy said. "Before they catch you." She added and we don't have much time left because those cape creatures are getting closer and closer as I stay here longer.


"Alright!" with one last deep breath I jump out and things felt so light and…





I finally woke up from my nightmare. And when I woke up, that feeling of falling was still there and I'm thankful because what I felt my body hit was my bed so I wasn't hurt but I was really shocked by the impact that happened as soon as I landed. I wasn't able to get out of bed immediately because of that impact but I'm thankful and I was able to move my hands so I know I wasn't really hurt.


Afterwards, as soon as I regain my strength I got out of bed and went straight to my bathroom and look myself into the mirror. It took me long when I finally sighs relief when I didn't find any bruise in my body. Now, that I'm fine I try to recall the voice that taught me how to escape out of that place. Yet, I couldn't guess who that voice came from because he or she wasn't familiar to me.


Nevertheless, I'm so thankful that someone helps me to get out of that place then…




I suddenly remember the name that the fairy lady mentioned and forgot to tell who that person is.


I take a very deep breath before I take a bath.





I was surprised when Chadd suddenly pops out at my side and right now he's looking through my laptop and I can no longer hide it from him.


"Do you know something about Elbrus?" I asked him anyway.


"No." he answered that I just nodded. "Why are you looking for that name?" he curiously asked.


"I'll tell you when I found out who he is."


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