



Erix Realm


"God Elbrus!"


Elbrus quickly turned his head to her.


"What is it, Goddess Ilmatar?"


"Where do you think you were going?" Ilmatar seriously asked.


"To take a rest." He lied.


"I know you're lying."


"Then, don't ask an obvious question." He said and was about to leave yet Ilmatar came to stop him. "Let go of me!"


"You know how dangerous it is for you to keep entering Leebra, Elbrus." She seriously stated. "And Father will not like what you are doing in that place so please, stop this until you can."


Leebra Realm, the place of balance or equality of the entire cycle of life and death, the place of Spirits.


"I'm so sorry, Goddess Ilmatar." He said before taking off her hand out from his shoulder and left without a word.



Leebra Realm


"God Elbrus."


He quickly run towards this one Special Spirit and smiled at it.


"How's your day?"


"Still the same." Special Spirit answered emotionless.


Special Spirit is the kind of no emotions, no feelings, no gender, no age, no name, no appearances and no soul this is simply an entity of light with an amount of power to give life and death that gives balance to the entire cycle of the Universe. A chosen spirit that their Father God created from his Spirit Body to protect the balance of the Universe though, because of it, this Special Spirit is the most wanted from those Demons who want to consume it as they will be more powerful than ever. That only means one thing, it will be a great disaster when someone caught it and devours its power. The reason Father God created this realm, the Leebra, not only to protect the entire Spirits also to protect this Special Spirit.


Elbrus sighed before he offers Special Spirit to sit. "Have a sit." Special Spirit looks at him longer enough to make him to understand that it is impossible. "I'm sorry." He quickly apologized.


"You don't have too. I know what I'm just capable of."


"And that is what I wanted to change from you." He seriously answered.




"Yes! And first thing first, you need to have a name that is the reason why I came back here."


"You cannot give me a name."


"And why is that?"


"Father God created me for--"


"Stop." He quickly cuts it off. "I already knew what you're going to say and it's not important. I'm also a God and giving you a name is a blessing that you just need to accept."


Special Spirit silently looks at him before it answered. "Then, I'll accept it."


"Good." He gladly answered. "I God Elbus the High Guard of God's Gate bless you a name. You'll be call in the name of 'Aoife' means the one who gives life. You are now 'Lady Aoife'."


A shining bright burst out through the Leebra Realm and afterwards, Special Spirit finally formed its new self, being a no gender, no name, nothing at all now Special Spirit finally has its own name and gender. She is now, Lady Aoife blessed by God Elbrus.


"I'm… Lady Aoife." She speaks as soon as her transformation ended.


"Lady Fe," he said. "And that means 'faith' it's a shorter version of your name."


Spirit Aoife looks at him intently before she gave him a warm smile. "Thank you. I'll cherish this name eternally."


What God Elbrus done satisfied him however the consequences they may face in the future are the things they never expected. A danger that will put them in great pain and suffering that will continue as long as the bond he created will not be broken.


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Akachi National High School


"Hey!" Chadd greeted me as soon as he entered our class room.


"Hey." I answered back lazily.


"What's your problem? Why are you too lazy today?"


"I don't have a problem rather I am too lazy to move or speak."


"And why is that?"


"I don't know." I really can't explain it as if I'm still in my dream and it's all about this special spirit, no name, no gender, no age, no appearances, no emotions or feelings and no soul. An epitome of eternal light and nothing more, thinking of it makes me feel sad and alone that is maybe the reason why I'm too lazy to do the things I normally do. Even my family noticed it earlier this morning and all I could say to them is that 'I'm just too tired that is why'.


"Care to tell me?"


Will he able to answer all my questions if I'll tell him what's on my mind? Thinking of it I wish to see and talk to Asim who will eventually answer some of my questions.



"I can't imagine you will really do this to me."


That tone and I couldn't hide my smile after hearing it, so I really did summoned him out from the Dream World.


I heard Asim harshly breathe out of frustration. "I'm really glad you came."


"You force me too." he said. "Anyway, why did you summon me instead of Almos?"


"Because you honestly answer some of my questions," I stated a fact.


"Huh! It's for your own good." He answered almost a whisper yet I clearly heard it. "So, what do you want to ask that I might be able to answer?"


"Who is the Special Spirit, the blessed one?"


Silence a total awkward silence suddenly surrounds us and even if he didn't talk, I can clearly sense that he knew something about what I ask.



"So, you really knew something about this Special Spirit."


"You don't have to dig with it, Jeanne. It would do you no good to know who that Spirit is." He seriously stated that decide me to get more eager to know who it is.


"I dream of it." I said. "And for that reason, with or without your help, I'll find the truth about this Special Spirit and who blessed that Spirit."


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