



Akachi National High School


"I dream of it." I said. "And for that reason, with or without your help, I'll find the truth about this Special Spirit and who blessed that Spirit." With full of determination I announced it clearly and seriously.


"You don't know what you were trying to do, Jeanne."


"Then, tell me. Explain it to me." I demanded however Asim keep quiet. "See. You won't say anything just like him." I said mentioning Almos.


Asim brushes his hair with his hand before he looks me in the eyes. "If you want the truth, then remember. Because you're the only one can answer all your questions, and right now, if you're telling me that you dream of it then, it only means you're starting to remember your past life."


'My past life…' he really did answer my question. "No matter what you do to avoid my questions, you still manage to answer my question even if you don't want to."


Asim harshly breathed. "You'd better remember it!" he angrily answered before he vanished.



"Thank you." I said with a smile.


"For what?" Chadd surprisingly asked. "Why are you thanking me if I didn't say anything? And… wh-what happened?"




"Really? But, I feel like my time has stopped and I feel like my body doesn't belong to me."


What he said caught me off guard and I couldn't imagine he will feel like that. "Are you alright?" I worriedly asked.


"Of course I'm fine!" he said laughing.


"Why are you laughing?!" I surprisingly asked him.


"Because of the reaction of your face, you were too worried."


'You don't know how guilty I am right now, Chadd.' I wanted to say.


"Anyway, I'm glad that you look fine now." he said and pats my head. "You should loosen up a bit and don't think too much about anything, okay?" I just nodded.


*** ***


Dream World


"What are you thinking?" Dione asked me as soon as she sits down opposite to mine.


"Do you believe in past life, Dione?" I straightly asked.


"That… was unexpected question."


"Well, I'm a bit curious about it."


"For what reason?"


"My reason… maybe because of Almos… or Asim… or maybe… it is about this Special Spirit that I've been dreaming."


The wind suddenly became cold that made me to rub my shoulders to lessen the coldness that I suddenly felt.


"Special Spirit you said?"




"And you're dreaming of it?"


"Yes. Why? You suddenly look tense. Are you feeling unwell?"


"It's just because of the cold breeze, nothing important anyway. What about this Spirit? What so special about it that caught your attention and you even think and ask about past life?"


"That is the reason why I wanted to know if past life is real or not. It might help me to answer why I'm literally seeing the life of a Spirit that I feel so familiar and yet it feels like it will drown me to my death if I'll continue to search for it."


"Then, don't." Dione answered. "Don't remem-- I mean, just forget about it and focus your mind into much important things. You know that during these months we will have more tests to do because our fourth semester is coming to an end, so you should just focus your mind there instead of the things that you are not sure if you will be able to answer."


Dione was right yet my heart and mind couldn't just ignore the fact that there is something that keeps bothering me. The time that the Special Spirit spends with this someone that blesses her name and gender, who was it and what are their relationship, a question that I need an answer no matter what.


"I agree to what you just said and you were right, I need to focus on it first before anything else."


"Good!" she happily answered. "So, let's go to the library."


I just nodded and was about to go with her when I immediately saw Almos walking near to us. "You'll go ahead!"




"I'll follow soon." I answered and run towards Almos.



"I finally meet you!" I excitedly said after blocking his way but to my surprised he grabs me to my wrist and went somewhere far from our school yard. "What are you doing?!"


"You completely put yourself in danger."


"What are you talking about?"


"You. Entering the Oblivion Realm without knowing how dangerous that place can be."


So, he heard about it. "I'm save nothing to worry about."


"It is because someone was there to protect you."


The Lady Fairy, yes she was the one who protected me out of that place. Now that he reminded me about it, I totally forgot to thank Lady Fairy for her help and I don't know how I may able to see her. Or maybe I can ask for help after I get my answer to the question that keeps bothering me.


"Can I ask you something?"


Almos intently stares at me before he answered. "You know I can never answer any of your questions so it's good--"


"Special Spirit." I said as I cut him off. "Do you know something about it? The Spirit that was chosen by Father God and was blessed by this someone I couldn't see no matter what I do."


Time suddenly freezes and silence became too loud to handle.





I was forced to wake up when suddenly the silence became painful to listen. Even without a sound, it hurts my ears and I couldn't handle it any longer and just woke up too early just to escape from it.


What happened back there is a mystery I cannot answer. I don't even know how to explain the reaction that I saw from Almos after hearing what I just said.


Fear. Sorrow. Sadness. The same feelings and emotions that I felt when I first witness the story of this Spirit, although it isn't complete, I'm so sure of one thing. She's all alone.


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