They Want To Kill My Family, Let Them Do That, I don't care.

[Hein Malvado P.O.V]

What is a noble?

An aristocrat; one of aristocratic blood.

That meaning is the exact definition of all the noble families in Ablauf, except for the now fallen Malvado family.

To begin my story, let me tell you some facts about Ablauf that you didn't know.

Unlike other planets, Ablauf is shaped like a cylinder instead of a sphere. It has one currency called Callings, which is printed in notes and not subject to inflation.

The nobles are divided into two categories: high-ranking nobles, who have more power, land, and property—Dukes—and low-ranking nobles, who possess lesser power, land, and property—Counts.

The nobles may hold power, but they are not strong enough to interfere in military matters, as stated in the Ten Commandments of Ablauf.

Nobles can never be King or Queen of Ablauf, but they are allowed to assist someone wishing to become King in the search for the Ultimate Throne.

An Ablaufian can become a noble by purchasing the position with enough Callings from another noble or by being elected to the position by half of the Dukes in Ablauf.

Nobles also have the power to dethrone another noble if half of the Dukes agree to it.

Now everyone understands that, besides the military and the Adventurers, no one can ever get in the way of this world's nobles.

I was born into nobility and was expected to become the Duke of the frigid region of Kälte in Ablauf. However, advancements in technology by scientists have enabled the generation of electricity from the snow, providing warmth for all inhabitants of the region.

It wasn't one of the Ten Commandments, but the nobles didn't want anyone to obtain the Ultimate Throne, as only someone without royal blood could do so.

This also meant they wouldn't tolerate any noble family that assisted Adventurers in becoming the rulers of Ablauf, which brings us to the fall of the Malvado family.

My family played a significant role in assisting the previous King of Ablauf to obtain the throne, but contrary to their expectations, once he became king, he decided to abandon everything, even his family.

My family didn't give up and continued to cling to their beliefs in the Ultimate salvation as they supported another team of Adventurers.

Contrary to previous circumstances, there was a lack of discretion in handling the situation this time, as a spy had been planted within the family by rival noble families.

This spy turned out to be my biological mother.

In my childhood, my mother instilled in me the importance of loyalty to the nobles, whereas my father emphasized the significance of respecting the Adventurers.

Due to my mercurial temperament, I struggled to develop affection for anyone, including my elder sister, who feigned displays of care and affection towards me.

It was ten years ago when I had just turned fifteen in early October.

"All members of the round table have agreed to execute all members of the Malvado Duke family, as per the fifth commandment."

At that unexpected announcement, spoken during an outdoor gathering in Tierwelt, all the members of my family turned pale as they watched the wicked smiles on the faces of the nobles.

However, my face maintained its indifferent look as I sipped my tea at the white ornate round table before us.

Furthermore, I was puzzled by my mother's acting skills; she seemed more afraid than anyone else as she rushed over to hug me and my elder sisters.

"You don't have the right to treat us this way!" she yelled with a fierce expression. "We absolutely did nothing wrong! I won't stand by and watch my family be accused of something they didn't commit!"

If my father were as smart as I was, he would have noticed that his wife knew something about the issue. Her previous statement said it all.

However, he acted like an idiot blinded by love. "My wife is right! You have to stop this nonsense this instant!"

What kind of parent would act so wildly in front of their children? Staying calm was the best option in this situation.

The noble knight dressed in an overcoat, who had made the announcement, pointed his revolver at me. "Try to resist any further, and this child will be the first to die."

His fragile voice, emanating from under his dark mask, served as a caution rather than a declaration of hostility. However, due to my mother's background in espionage, she exhibited a heightened sense of confidence compared to her typical authoritative demeanor.

"Stop messing around! You are someone we elected to be a noble knight!"


As I was the only one among my family members who understood the situation, I decided to speak just as the noble knight was about to pull the trigger.

"I would like to propose an alternative that I believe will be enjoyable for all present. I urge you to consider my suggestion as I am confident it will prove to be better than the plan you originally had."

The black-haired tattooed noble knight raised an eyebrow, and the only female among those dressed in black coats decided to hear me out.

"I will listen to you, since you seem more reasonable than your old fools."

I hated my parents, so I didn't even flinch when they were insulted. Nonetheless, my face remained the same, despite the fact that I was about to dispose of all my family members.

"We are in the wild, and the game every noble in Ablauf has gathered here to perform is hunting. So why don't the Malvados hunt among themselves until only one remains alive? The rules are up to the nobles to decide, as this game is designed to please them."


My mother hit me on the cheek with a scowl, which made my sister tremble in fear, but she didn't care about our well-being.

"You crazy child! Are you trying to kill me!? It is your father who should die for siding with the Adventurers!"

My mother let the cat out of the bag, but my father was too stupid to even notice it.

"You ungrateful son! You should start your own family if you want to rebel against me!"

'That is the next thing I am going to do.'