His Fate [4]


Brandon screamed in agony. Amelia was anxious, but she couldn't let down her guard at all.

But his arm.

The damage was major. But it was cleanly severed off. If they had time to go to the hospital, then it could be reattached.

That is… if they had time.

It was nothing but a fleeting thought.


She approached him, cold sweat beading down her forehead.

Brandon clutched his shoulder tightly as it bled profusely. 

Cr… Crack.

Ice started materializing and the bleeding stopped.

It was his only choice.

Flicking her head towards Lumian, Amelia narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

Seething rage boiled within her.

All she could think of at the moment was killing him.

This man.

He had to die.

For Brandon's sake.



He tried creating a skill to regenerate his limb.


He tried creating a healing skill.
