Extra's Descent

Extra's Descent

Fantasy362 Chapters2.0M Views
Author: athex
Table of Contents

‘Is this… an interface?’

Despite having no knowledge of where he was, he was familiar with the system interface.

After all, it was oddly similar to the novel he closely followed.


‘This doesn’t make any sense, I should have died already.’


After a tragic accident, he found himself transmigrated inside one of his favorite novels.

He realized he was now Brandon Locke, an unfamiliar character, an extra.

Armed with knowledge about the future, Brandon now has to traverse this new world all on his own.


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Hoping for support on my first novel.

Comments are well appreciated!

70 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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This will reach the peak. 🥰 I saw this randomly in my feed and saw the author so I thought I would write this to encourage them. Writing looks great so good luck!

3 months ago

Hola!. I'm here to give a review on one of my favorite novels I read right now on this platform. This is a complete honest review from me as a reader who is caught up with non privilege, and my position as a moderator of this novel has nothing to do with it. Let's start with the obvious. Of course arriving on this novel you might think it's a good old cliche exta novel, but I beg to differ that ITS NOT. In no way does the protagonist hide his power or try to keep the maincast away. He is not weak either as he is quick to catch up to the main cast. Story wise, this is a complete different route from the extra genre though I do agree that some starting chapters are similar, but lets be honest. Don't we all expect the starting to be similar in an extra novel. The character development of characters is very good, and though you might hate the author in some mini arcs for example the cultural festival, please stop being an average wn reader and read further to see why he did that. The characters are neither too flushed out or just blatantly dry. If they are, then that's just something that author develops further. The pacing of the novel is perfect as well, its neither too slow nor too fast. Which is also one of the main reasons why I love this novel. The plot of the novel is really different from extra novels and I mean it. In the normal cliche novels where the extra just has to kill demons, this is quite different as there are further things that come on later into the story. The author also perfectly sets emotions, depth and character development at each plot point. The stability of updates is something you absolutely don't need to worry about as author updates 2 chaps daily while also doing mass releases time to time. Overall, I highly recommend this novel to everyone and I would really hope that they give this a try and find out for yourself that this is infact not glazing and an actual honest review of the novel.

3 months ago

From what I've seen so far, this novel does have a lot of potential. Villain novels are quite garbage whereas extra novels are now being overtaken and corrupted by those Chinese authors. Luckily this one doesn't follow your Chinese troupe. The mc actually befriends the main character for once unlike all those other trash where you see him stealing all the main characters "chances" or fate. Now to talk about the novel, our mc is an average lad from Earth who got thrown into this Magical Earth. Unlike novels like The Novel's Extra and Author's POV, where the mc's are mocked for using strange weapons or doing weird actions, the mc in here is originally seen as a talented fellow. Even later on people don't usually look down on him or try to get into fights with him. On the other hand, the original mc of the novel is the person who is looked down even though he's Rank 1 which makes it interesting. The dynamics of this novel between the characters are good enough and.. I better see more chapters real soon or else, Author just know that you're going in my basement. This isn't a threat, I'm merely stating the future.

5 months ago

Since I'm helping the author edit, I have to leave a 5 star review. Author is a beast at writing, in just a day he'd finish 8 chapters already. Mass release your 50 stockpile when?

5 months ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 months ago

(TL;DR at the end)At first, I simply started this novel for more extra brainrot. I came in expecting the same old generic bs we see in literally every other extra novel in existence. I did not get what I wanted. But was I disappointed? NO. 'Extra's Descent', is unlike any other extra novel I have ever read(and I have read a LOT). First of all, the writing quality. The writing style of this novel is simple. It is more or less the same as what you can see in korean webnovels, or even in Entrail_JI's 'Advent of the three calamities'. Simple, yet efficient. It is a writing style I personally like a lot.[5/5] Next up, is the update stability. I have been reading this novel since it didn't even have a measly 10 chaps and I can guarantee you that not a day has passed without 2 chapters being dropped. And of course, the bonus chapters for meeting PS goals is being updated as well.[5/5] Story Development. I have to say this is most probably the most surprising part of this novel for me. Like I said, I went expecting a generic story and at first, I believed that is what I got. Oh boy was I wrong. What I thought to be plot holes at first turned out to be plot points for a major reveal. What I thought to be a generic story at first, turned out to be a gem hidden in plain sight. If you are going to read this novel, give it at least 50 chapters before you drop. Trust me when I say it will be worth it.[5/5] Character Design. We are getting to the good points(oh well, everything before was also good points but this does require a special mention). The character design of this novel is one of its strongest points. Each character, offers to substance to the novel and are a major driving force for the plot. In fact, I would dare say this is a character-driven story despite its enthralling plot.[6/5] World Building. Now this is where the novel hits a bump in the road. Everything, novel or otherwise, has its flaws. While I wouldn't go so far as to call it a flaw, the world building of this novel is in fact one of the only things I find to be lacking. Of course, it offers a unique twist by getting rid of demons. That's right, this is an extra novel WITHOUT DEMONS OR OTHER GENERIC RACES LIKE ELVES AND DWARVES AND ORCS. But I still find it to be lacking because we know nearly nothing about the world. All the information we need is revealed as the plot progresses but we don't get much additional information.[4.5/5] TL;DR: Read at least 50 chaps before deciding to drop, great story, spectacular characters, KR style writing, 2 chaps per day, NO WAR AMONGST GENERIC RACES BS and 100% recommended read. WQ:5/5, SU:5/5, SD:5/5, CD:6/5, WB:4.5/5. What are you still waiting for? Go read.

3 months ago

I'm writing this review after reading 36 chapters and so far it looks really promising, but to go in depth a bit more:- 1.The writing quality is very good and I didn't notice any grammatical errors while reading, which is always a plus. 2.the upload schedule so far seems good and author is active on discord so you can go barrage him on there, if he ever stops uploaded. 3.As for the novel itself, I can't say much as it's just starting, but I really like the MC and his skill weaver ability, also his personality is pretty likeable, even the side cast seem developed and likeable, which I really enjoy. 5.Overall I would recommend this novel to anyone who's a fan of the the genre.

5 months ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 months ago

Review at chapter 63: The story is actually good and doesn't follow most cliché tropes. The main character isn't a beta who hides in the shadows all the time or decides to follow the plot or stay away from the protagonist of the book he was sent into. The story is still in its early stages, so there might be some things that are yet to be properly developed. The interactions with the characters though are really fun to read, as each one doesn't seem bland and has a personality that you would enjoy.

4 months ago

hello ........... Peak novel ...........

13 days ago

Just binged it. Some small inconsistencies, but overall, a very good read. Takes a somewhat cliche situation and changes it enough so it feels fresh. The MC is a bit bland, but to compensate, the other characters are more developed than they normally would be in an average Webnovel story. Would recommend it, not a waste of time. Writing Quality: ★★★★ -No obvious mistakes and an easy read. Story Development: ★★★ -Cliche but not borning. Character design: ★★★★ -Good overall, but should fletch out the MC some more. Update Stability: ★★★★★ World Background: ★★★★ -Actually interesting and more thought-out than normal novels.

5 months ago

well the novel it self is alright personally MC is too overpowered for no reason. but it does have the overpowered tag so i can let it slide. if your looking for a MC that just knows how clap dudes at lvl 2 and 3 with no training what so ever this is for you. its not amazing, but its not bad. pretty mid but readable if you got nothing else to consume

16 days ago

yo, I don't write review so often but I need to write a review about this to tell you how fking awesome this novel is. so this novel is written by a bastard name Athex and I hate to admit but the way he writes is just peak. you can't even say that this is his first novel! and about the plot, I thought that it was another extra novel that has all similar plot but I couldn't have been more wrong in my life 😭😭 it might be similar to other extra novels for a few chapters but it is so different in a fking awesome way like main character doesn't hide his strength early romance but not that early like it is early in comparison to other novel of the same genre and we are talking about romance then all female characters are so peak but for me, fml will always be Belle. and there are so many female characters but that doesn't me that this is a harem because I and all my homeis hate harem and the conclusion of my all yapping is READ IT

2 months ago

If I’m being honest the biggest issue with this series is the fact that he’s joining the primordials for no apparent reason simply because some random guy told him to there is no benefit to doing this it’s not even like they have the same goals so I wonder why this is happening I really wanted to drop the series honestly because there’s no point to this it just happened in the span of half a chapter it doesn’t move the story forward you can argue it holds it back because instead of getting stronger and finding people to help combat the future threat he’s mingling with lowlifes and thugs who won’t hesitate to run for their lives I really hoped it was just like a threat but the author made it official later on

3 months ago

The concept is good and the mc seems more fleshed out and realistic than most. However he’s also a reckless fool who only survives with invincible plot armor. I can forgive this a bit but the author really loves putting the mc in impossible situations only to survive in ways that make no sense whatsoever. It’s just lazy writing.

10 days ago