The plan

"It is boring to stand like this"

L smiled. On the quiet side where people rarely passed by, Adelio and Risa enjoyed the view under dashing night sky. "How about some cocktail? I will go get them" L suggested. But Adelio did not allow her to step out of his sight. He turned. "I am coming with you then"

He seized her palm promptly. Hushing down the woman. If looked closely, there was fear hidden in Adelio's eyes. Fear of loss. He did not want to lose this woman on this crowded cruise ship. "No, Adelio" Calling by the name, L ceased the man. Catching him off guard.

"There will be a crowd near the mini bar since the ship has left the dock. What if something happens to you? I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you. Luke will kill me if he knows I dragged you to crowd. So, please stay here and wait for me. I will be back" She grinned.