The confession

Risa sniffled.

"Why didn't you tell me about the plan beforehand? I thought you were all alone there! It would not hurt you to hint me at least! I was so worried that I felt my heart aching! You!" Frustrated, L expressed her thoughts. Hushing down the man. Her lips were shaking in fear.

The tears gleamed beneath the dim light. Her tone slightly cracked up, showing how scared she was to lose him for a moment. Adelio's heart fluttered. The brother who shared the same blood plotted against him to expose his secret while this woman tried to keep it safe.

The difference between the stranger and the brother enlightened Adelio's sight. Among these people who were attempting to benefit out of him, Larissa Gudrum remained unique. "Can you tell me next time-" Before L could finish her words, Adelio pulled her in.