Tutorial [2]

At first, I didn't realise it. Given the situation, it would have been surprising if I could.

Suddenly awakening to a strange place with other strangers in a similar situation as you. Check.

A big blue screen welcoming you. Check.

A demon dressed in a suit. Check.

And several mentions of a 'tower'. Check.

It wasn't until the demon continued speaking that a sense of déjà vu hit me.

Wasn't this how events unfolded at the beginning of Tower Ascendance?

Everything that transpired, the process, it all felt incredibly familiar. Like I had encountered it before.

Of course, it wasn't that, but reading it did contribute to immersion back then.

As the realisation dawned on me, though I still felt fear, it wasn't as intense as it was before.

I couldn't explain why I suddenly found myself in this world, inside the novel, but I found myself not caring about returning to my old world.

What was there to care about?

The pain and sorrow? Or the debts hanging over my head?

Though, according to my knowledge, this world was far more dangerous than Earth could ever be, it offered something that Earth could never provide me: joy.

Tower Ascendance was my only source of joy back on Earth, and now I just happened to find myself in that world.

I could die at any time like ants on the ground, but I found myself becoming excited instead.

This world...

Earth could never compare to it for me.

Of course, just because it is like this for me doesn't mean it's the same for others.

Unlike me, there were many others in this place who still had a life back on Earth.

Taking a deep breath to gather my emotions, I mentally called out 'Status' in my head again to dismiss the panel in front of me.

'It should appear anytime now.'

And as expected...

[Tutorial Floor Challenge]

Reach the next floor in three days. 

Reward: Low grade Stats Boost Potion.

Failure: Death. 

Floor master remark: Do your best to survive!


I subconsciously let out a heavy sigh after reading the content of the panel that appeared in front of me.

It was just as I had read then.

Everything was still following the same process.

What exactly was the tower? This 'thing' that brought us here?

Even with more than 500 chapters down in the novel, the author didn't fully explain its origin.

One thing was for sure though.

Almost everything could be obtained in the tower. Even the power of a god could be gained, on the condition one climbed enough floors.

My eyes trailed down to the 'Floor master remark.'


Though I was excited at the prospect of living in this world, as it had things to offer me that Earth never could, I was not naive enough to think it would be a smooth ride. Especially when I knew of the future events in the novel.

Who was this floor master though?

It was the 'demon' that disappeared a while ago.

The Floor master of the tutorial Floor.

The tutorial Floor, also known as the Floor of Qualifications, to test the 'chosens' if they had what it took to climb the tower.

If they didn't? They'd die. Either at the hands of monsters, their fellow race, or by the tower itself.

A Floor master is a powerful being employed by the Tower to oversee the floors they are assigned to and ensure everything runs and operates smoothly.

Though the tower had full control of itself, these floor masters could still influence it to some extent.

Frowning slightly at the future possibility of dying, I dismissed the tower challenge panel.

I had things to do. And fast. I had to take advantage of the knowledge I had of the future to climb the tower.

But first.

The main characters…..

I turned to glance around and deeply observed my surroundings.

It didn't take long before I found them based on the description given by the author.

I spotted an 18-year-old boy in his singlet and boxer shorts. Strangely, he appeared calmer than the majority of the people here, although his slightly trembling legs betrayed his true emotions.

Identical-looking twins, very young in age, but opposite in gender, clinging to each other.

A lady of my age maniacally laughing while hugging herself.

Then a middle-aged man who limped on one leg.


They're all here.

I could feel my heart beating fast, almost echoing in my head.

These people are the first main characters of Tower Ascendance.

People whose stories I've read, laughed, cried, and related to.

These people...

They were here with me.

Though I had knowledge of future events, it didn't mean the road ahead would be easier.

Ideally, teaming up with one of them would make my journey in the tower easier.

However, I couldn't just approach them normally, could I?


I needed to leave the cave soon. Something was going to happen in a few minutes. There was no time to waste.

With this in mind, I took the first step.


At the top of my voice, I shouted.

Perhaps due to not expecting someone to suddenly give a loud shout, the cave became silent as everyone turned to look at me.



I coughed to clear my throat.

"I'm sure everyone here has seen the challenge set before us. Just like you, I also have no idea what's going on, but one thing I can say is that the place we're currently in is really dangerous."

I lied through my teeth.

"So rather than passively staying here and doing nothing, which is just as dangerous as remaining in a perilous place, why don't we do something about it?"

At my words, the looks on most people's faces showed they agreed with what I was saying.

"I agree!"

"But what do we do?!"

Someone asked.

Coughing to clear my throat again, I opened my mouth to speak in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear me.

"Firstly, based on everything we've seen, I believe our priority is to survive. At least until we can figure out what's going on."

A few people nodded at my words.

Turning to point at the exit of the cave before gesturing to an area where various types of weapon equipment were laid out, I spoke again.

"I think we should explore our surroundings and, just to be safe, arm ourselves for protection."

This time, a few of them had frowns on their faces.

I could see what was truly in them though. The frown was just a mask for the fear within them.

I could understand. While most people would not want to entertain the notion that this was another world, the prowess of the demon earlier still made them scared. The idea of venturing out of this seemingly safe space was no less frightening.

Their thoughts were none of my concern though. After all, this place would not be safe in a few minutes.

I turned to glance at the ground where a few traces of black hair could be seen.

"If you agree with what I said, then since we're all in the same boat, let's team up as well. After all, there's strength in numbers."

That was bullshit. I only had to get close to my goal.

At my words, people who agreed with me soon started teaming up and heading to where various weapons were laid out in the cave to arm themselves.

On the other hand, I immediately made my way to someone I had my eyes on from the start.

The 18-year-old-looking boy.

The true main character of Tower Ascendance.