Tutorial [9]

There are several ways one could improve their stats in the tower.

The most common one is through physical training.

This method is essentially no different from what happens in the gym back on Earth: consistently and constantly exerting one's body to the limit.

Just like on Earth, one could steadily improve their physique this way.

Another method used in raising stats in the tower is through combat.

It is also one of the quickest methods in raising one's stats.

In essence, it is not that different from physical training as it also involves exerting the body, except this one is more dangerous.

Combat training is also more effective in improving stats in life-and-death battles.

Another method of raising stats was by using a mana art.

A mana art is similar to the cultivation techniques in novels, used to raise one's prowess by absorbing the mana of the world into one's body.

There were mana arts centred on improving one's physique, and there were also mana arts focused on enhancing one's mana prowess.

Then there was the use of magical weapons.

Some magical weapons in the tower had the power to improve certain stats of the wielders.

It was one of the easiest ways to gain power and also one of the most expensive.

Another expensive method was through the use of potions; magical medicine with miraculous effects.

There are various types of potions, but those capable of improving one's strength are among the most expensive items in the tower.

These methods of improving one's strength were just a few among the numerous methods in the tower, but the most sought-after one is the rewards gained from the tower itself.

Everything in the tower originates from the tower itself, and getting recognized by it is the best way to gain unimaginable strength.

How could one gain the tower's acknowledgment? By clearing its floors, as every floor clearance leads to receiving a reward.

Most times, the rewards given from clearing the tower are extremely precious, even to climbers on the higher floors.

Simply put, climbing the tower and clearing its floors was the number one goal of every climber.

However, Lionel and I could not try any of these methods at the moment.

Physical training? We didn't have time for that.

Combat training? I wasn't particularly favourable towards the idea of courting death. I want to be steady.

Weapons? Even if I could get one, I'd still choose a shield.

Honestly, if I could survive the tutorial, one of my plans was to toughen up like a cockroach.


That sounds rather wrong. Maybe more like a cat?

Having the speed to escape danger and the resilience to withstand a hit.

Basically a meat shield that was difficult to kill.

Using potions to increase our strength was even more unrealistic.

Aside from being dirt poor, there was no way we could have access to one on the first level of the tutorial Floor.

Mana arts were even more unrealistic. Even if we had access to them, we currently didn't have the time to train.

So, how were Lionel and I going to strengthen ourselves given our current situation?

Thankfully, I had the knowledge to make things easier for us.

"We're encountering more monsters," I heard Lionel say beside me.

After our first battle with the goblins, we continued our journey after recovering our strength.

The first level of the tutorial Floor was dominated by three types of monsters.

So far, we've encountered two of them, and we've faced one in battle.

Fortunately, the monsters we've encountered have been Goblins.

While Goblins are stronger than us in terms of stats, we've managed to hold our own against them.

However, I'm not confident we could do the same against monsters like wolves.

We've been fortunate to encounter only weaker monsters so far, likely because we're still on the outskirts of the forest. Nevertheless, the number of encounters with monsters continues to increase.

Encountering 20 goblins at once was no longer surprising for us.

If Lionel and I had encountered a situation like this when we first arrived in this world, it would have been a huge problem. However, it's not as much of an issue now.

Although the situation looked dire, due to the groups of goblins we continued to encounter, Lionel and I were able to toughen ourselves.

Even my stats rose a bit as a result.




[Strength: G2]

[Agility: G1]

[Endurance: G3]

[Mana: G]


None in possession.

{Mana Art}

None in possession.

{Special Gift}



I had gotten a bit stronger, but it was nothing compared to Lionel.

I was sure the difference in our stats shouldn't be a lot and should be similar, but he could better use his strength than I could.

One was a master, and one was a newbie. And by newbie, I meant me.

However, there was progress still, and I was happy with it.

In any case, both of us were just about to get a lot stronger.

"We're here," I spoke aloud as I fixed my gaze on the scene in front of me.

It was a pond, but for some reason, the water was purple.