Gathering Points [3]

'The deeper I ventured into the forest, the more monsters I encountered. Stronger ones too.'

'Just what is this place?' 

"We're encountering way more monsters now." 


"Thankfully they're very weak." 

Nodding at Lionel's words, I couldn't help but be amazed at the difference between this reality and how it went originally in the novel. 

The difference couldn't be said to be small. 

Things were already deviating from how they unfolded in the novel. 

I was okay with it. 

It was inevitable as long as I was alive.

Now that I've started thinking from a different perspective, with me in this world, it's inevitable for things to change from how they were in the novel. 

The fact that I'm in this world in the first place is the biggest change. 

As long as the change is something I'm okay with, then let things change. 

However, it would be better if it was not be out of my control. 

Just because I have knowledge of future events, I know I'm not omnipotent, but that doesn't stop me from planning to maintain things as they are, especially if it works to my benefit.

After entering the forest, Lionel started to get a bit worried due to the increasing numbers of monsters. 

If it weren't for our increased strength, things would have been dire by now. 

Even with the increasing numbers of monsters, including stronger ones, I wasn't worried as it wasn't life-threatening. 

In fact, there was barely anything that could really threaten us in the first level of the tutorial now. 

Lionel and I had surpassed the scale by a fair bit. 

However, it was just enough to stand out a bit among the tower residents who were also participating in the tutorial. 

There was still a lot to do if I wanted to avoid some headaches when I start climbing the tower. 

As Lionel and I continued to venture into the forest, a big group of goblins emerged from the bushes around us.



I heard Lionel sigh beside me before he added strength to his legs and dashed towards the Goblins. 

I did the same, blurring away from my location. 

Unlike before when monsters were the ones to take the initiative, Lionel and I couldn't be bothered to wait for that. 

We were now strong enough that even a large group of goblins didn't faze us. 

The numbers were worrying though, since it was tiring to fight them again so soon. 

It hadn't even been five minutes since we encountered the previous group.


Smashing the now light shield with one hand at a goblin, bursting its head into a glossy mess, I jumped backwards to avoid its blood touching me. 

A goblin was behind me with a sturdy stick in its hands.

Before it could do anything, I used the back of my feet to hit it. The impact caused it to fly from its location and hit its back on a tree behind it. 

I could swear I heard the sound of something cracking from that.

As I easily dodged the attack of one goblin, I defended myself against the attack of another goblin. 

Well...I did try to defend myself.



It ended up causing another goblin to fly from its position and hit a tree, which turned it into a bloody mess. 

The impact this time was louder than the previous one, causing the goblins around me to come to a momentary pause.

I sighed mentally at my messy control of strength. 

I have strength now.

One that would make me look superhuman on Earth. 



I was terrible at using my strength. 

I had strength.


I could only use it like a brute. 

Even though my stats increased, time was needed to bring out their full power. 


Maybe it was just the case for me. 

Just as I'm talentless with mana, I might also be talentless in physique. 

Hopefully that wasn't the case since it would mean more work. 

'I should hurry and kill more goblins before he comes and 'helps' me.'

'Fucking point stealer.' 

With renewed vigor, the sound of bones breaking increased around me. 

Followed by the notifications.

[You have defeated a goblin (soldier) {F rank}]

[You have gained 10 points]

[You have defeated a goblin (soldier) {F rank}]

[You have gained 10 points]

[You have defeated a goblin (soldier) {F rank}]

[You have gained 10 points]

[You have defeated a goblin (soldier) {F rank}]

[You have gained 10 points]

It was quite a lot. 

After finishing off the last Goblin on my side, I turned to look at my total points.

[Total points: 736]

The total amount of points I had was already significantly higher than what the Lionel in the first level of the tutorial in the novel had. 

But it wasn't enough. 

I could still have more. 

Way more. 

After all, there was a reason I entered the forest. 

It wasn't just to enter the forest and gather points. 

It was to seize another opportunity. 

One that even the original Lionel failed to grasp.