Gathering Points [5]




The moment we got closer to the outskirts of the goblin stronghold, the ones not too far from us immediately noticed our arrivals.

The sounds they made alerted the others' attention to us.

Without wasting time, they immediately dashed at us.

What I thought was odd was that most of them had sturdy-looking sticks in their hands.

From my experience with the other goblins, I knew these were their weapons.

It was only now that I started wondering where they got them from.

Was it provided by the tower?

Or did they get them themselves?

According to my knowledge, there were a few floors up in the tower that operated in a certain way.

Some floors were independent, while some could be influenced to a certain degree by the floor master.

The tutorial floor was just like this, but more unique than the others due to its purpose.

Most floors up the tower mostly comprised one independent space.

On the tutorial floor, there were several independent spaces that could also be influenced by the floor master to a certain degree.

This was why an opportunity like the purple pond existed.

If the floor master had full control over the tutorial floor, even if the chances were low, there was no way they would allow something that could tilt the balance of the tutorial to be easily accessible.

They could only influence the floor, not have control over it.

One could say they were supervisors or administrators.

They could only watch as the world flowed normally and intervene when needed.

For something like mana water that could almost only be created naturally, there was no need to stop it.

In the end, after several years of accumulation until it changed to an epic-grade resource, Lionel and I ended up being among the people to take advantage of it.

Unlike the mana water that formed naturally, because of the abundance of sturdy sticks the goblins had, I was unsure if the process happened naturally or if the floor master placed them here for the tutorial.

It could have also been the tower's doing.

Or most likely, the goblins were already living in the space long before the ongoing tutorial for the current tower participants started.

Information like this wasn't available in the novel, so I could only make guesses.

As the goblins rushed towards us, Lionel and I did the same.

Before we made contact with the goblins, we separated a bit.


My shield came in contact with a goblin.

Due to the force following me from my dash, it flowed backwards, crashing into its fellow goblins and bringing their movement to a halt.

This was, however, only a temporary setback for the goblins as the others who weren't hit made their way towards me.

At least the first contact bought me a little time.









I could not lie... my method of killing the goblins was a bit wild.

Wasn't sure what to make of it, but I was basically just bullying the goblins with superior stats.

Thankfully, they were stupid, so it only made it easier.

I didn't like my method of using my strength, though.

Against opponents like goblins, it was enough, but against those with a certain level of intelligence, I was only a child with a gun arrogantly pointing at a grown man with a knife.

I might come out on top, but I could also very likely die.

With my current skills, the chance of this particularly happening was quite high if I came face to face with the tower residents.

But what could I do?

After all, there was no prior notice that I would wake up in my favourite novel.

And now that I've partly given up on being low-key, I could only seek out ways to cover my weaknesses.

Kicking the chest of a goblin that jumped at me, I watched as its chest caved in and its body flew back.

My body was starting to feel a little sore.

'I wonder how many points I have now.'

I wanted to check, but doing so wasn't appropriate in my current situation.

The goblins were weak, but their attacks still packed a punch, and I was willing to test how well my endurance stat worked, even if it was my highest.

Dodging the attack of another goblin, I was in a position to see how Lionel was faring on his side.

I didn't think he was going to be in any danger; however, my heart skipped a beat when I saw what was happening.

Lionel truly wasn't in danger, but the scene around him was fascinating, to say the least.

Unlike the mess around me, Lionel's way of killing could be said to be like a dance.

Every swing of his sword almost equaled a new headless goblin.

Around him were more dead bodies than on my side, at least a little bit more than half of mine.

I could see the goblins also saw him as a bigger threat, since the numbers on his side were way more than on mine.

Yet, he seemed to be holding up well.


'Perhaps I should have paid more attention to my martial classes then. I blame the girls that distracted me!'

With a little bit of envy, I continued to kill the goblins around me with a bit more ferocity.



A loud sound captured my attention.

The two somewhat unique goblins that were taller than their peers started charging at me.

I had expected them to join the fight the moment it started, but for some reason, they didn't.


'Why are they rushing towards me and not Lionel?'


My question was answered immediately.

I watched as a big ball coated in fire made its way to Lionel's location.

[A Mini Boss Monster (Goblin Shaman) has appeared!]