Gathering Points [8]

I did not immediately turn to check my winnings and continued observing Lionel.

After killing the [Goblin Shaman], I'm sure he must have received a similar amount of notifications from the tower like me.

However, he just stood still and observed his sword coated in mana.

On the surface, it felt like he had been put on pause.

However, I knew he was doing something more important than whatever the tower panel had for us now.

As I watched the fragile coat of mana surrounding his sword seem to become thicker, I shook my head.

Mana manipulation.

In the original narrative, Lionel wasn't supposed to be able to do this until the fourth level of the tutorial, and even then, he was only just starting to scratch the surface.

The Lionel now has gone a bit beyond the surface.

Saying 'a bit' was even an underestimation of the Lionel now.

The Lionel now has far surpassed the one in the original narrative.

The best proof was what was currently happening before me.

Mana manipulation.

There's a saying in the tower that mana is life and it's the foundation of creation.

To a certain extent, this saying holds true and it goes to show the importance of mana.

The ability to harness mana, which is said to be the foundation of creation itself, and control it makes one step into the path of extraordinariness.

Controlling mana is no easy thing. At least to most people.

In fact, the ability to control mana before being chosen by the tower is nothing but something only people in the realm of extraordinary genius could do.

It was also the reason why most people could only start manipulating mana after getting chosen.

There was a reason I didn't bother about my mana stats being high. Currently, it would take a while before it actually becomes useful. This was how it was for the original Lionel too.

But now.

'He's getting closer to the level of the geniuses from the tower.'

I knew I had created a monster.

He was originally going to be a monster even if I left him alone. I only made the process a 'bit' faster.

At the moment.

'I'm starting to see it.'

To think there were 'monsters' like Lionel appearing occasionally in the appearance of outsiders.

'Even I would be scared.'

Doesn't mean I like the fact I already had enemies before doing anything.

'Fucking outsiders!'

I conveniently ignored the fact I was also one.


'I wonder how much he'd grow after all this?'

The thought alone got me excited. Excitement similar to one I felt whenever I read Tower Ascendance. Like 'What's going to happen next?'

In any case, the stronger Lionel was, the better it was for me.

At least in the tutorial Floor, that is.

At this point, I was starting to feel a little better he was my first choice for a useful helper.

He has good potential waiting to be used.

'Now let's see what we got here.'

Taking my attention away from Lionel, I turned to look at the notifications I got earlier.

[Mini Boss (Goblin Shaman) has been eliminated]

[You have completed the quest 'Destroy The Goblins Stronghold']

After the [Goblin Shaman], which just happened to be the last Goblin in the stronghold, died, both missions got completed.

However, I had no contribution in slaying the [Goblin Shaman], so Lionel would get more points and perhaps even a better extra reward than mine.

[You have gained 1000 points]

[Total points: 2134]

My points had increased by a significant amount too.

Points were the currency of the tower.

At the moment, they weren't useful in the tutorial floor yet, but after passing a few levels, they'd be.

This amount of points was already enough to get me a few things from the tower store managed by the floor master.

[Quest Evaluation: Excellent] 

There are six quest Evaluation in the tower. Depending on how high the evaluation was, one would likely get better results. 

The six quest evaluation in the tower from low to high are bad, poor, good, excellent, exceptional, perfect. 

The higher the evaluation, the harder it is to get it.

The fact we managed to complete our quest with an excellent evaluation was already great. 

The reward is nice as well.

[Extra reward: Minor increase in random stat]

A free increase in stat, even if it's random, is more than welcome.

'I wonder which stat increased.'

With this thought in mind, I mentally called up my status.




[Strength: F2]

[Agility: F > F1]

[Endurance: F4]

[Mana: G8]


Breath Control [Basic Mastery]

{Mana Art}

None in possession.

{Special Gift}



'So it's the agility stat.'

It was a welcome increase.

Made the chances of me escaping danger higher.

If it was my mana stat that got the lucky increase, it would have still been a welcomed improvement, but not as much as it would be for stats that are actually currently useful to me.

'Then there's this.'

[New skill gained!]

'I finally got a skill!'