Second Level [1]

Tazin looked at a particular screen in front of him with an odd expression on his face. 

As a powerful being in the tower, there wasn't a lot that could really faze him.

Yet for some reason, throughout his many years of existence, today just happened to be one of the most eventful days of his life. 

Not in intensity, but in its many twists. 

"Just how did it end up like this?"

Tazin's face twisted into a mix of amusement and frustration.

"This is really a first."

It could be said that everyone's dream in the tower was to climb it. 

The only reason something could be a dream in the first place is because it could not be easily obtained. 

And even if someone was fortunate enough to be chosen by the tower, it still did not mean they would climb the tower. 

At least they had to live to then. 

Because of the tutorial. 

The tutorial floor, also known as the floor of qualification.